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Renowned Business Consultant Provides 10 Ways to Accelerate Results in 2012
Andrew Miller -- Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency Expert Andrew Miller -- Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency Expert
Monday, December 19, 2011

10 Ways to Accelerate Results for 2012

Why wait until the new year to change your behaviour? There are things you can do now to accelerate your results and here are 10 of them:

  1. Set up meetings for January. If someone tells you to get back to them in the new year, push back and set up a meeting now for January. This will save another 1-2 months of follow-up before finally getting together.
  2. Choose one thing that you dread doing and just do it. That might mean calling a customer or writing an article, but you need to get over it. Just do it and commit to reducing procrastination in 2012.
  3. Call your best customers and wish them happy holidays. Most customers expect to get called only when there is something you are trying to sell them. Don't sell them anything, just call to wish them a happy and healthy holiday season.
  4. Select five companies that you want as customers for 2012. Now go out and find a connection who can introduce you to those companies. Start the process now. Comb your network to find an entry point. Referrals are the quickest way to accelerate the sales cycle.
  5. Write down three goals or principles you want to follow in 2012. Once you have them written down, start thinking about how to achieve them and incorporate them into the way you do business immediately. Review them every month to ensure you are following them successfully.
  6. Plan at least one vacation for 2012. Start looking at dates and locations now so you have something booked on the calendar and a trip to look forward to. No one is too busy to take a vacation (although you may think you are).
  7. Treat yourself to something nice. Go out for a nice dinner or buy that iPad you have been thinking about. It has been a hard year and you need to reward yourself for a job well done.
  8. Pick two areas you want to improve on in 2012. You might want to become more assertive or improve your marketing efforts. Develop a plan on how you will improve in whatever areas you choose and start executing it now.
  9. Find a new way you can better serve your customers and clients. This might be a new service or product offering or enhancing a current one. Have some new and fresh insights to discuss with customers and prospective customers the next time you speak with them.
  10. Pick one new way you are going to reach out to prospective customers. This might be starting a newsletter, joining an industry association, doing more speaking engagements or writing a provocative article every month. Pick one and move forward.
As you see, there are many ways to accelerate results for 2012 and all of them can be started now. Pick one or two items from the list above and start working on them. Small changes can sometimes have a large impact.

Best of luck and may 2012 be a prosperous one!!!

Please note that we grow our business through referrals and would never be too busy to speak with a friend, family member, acquaintance or colleague if you think we could be of assistance.

Please contact Andrew Miller at 416-480-1336 or visit our website at www.acmconsulting.ca

Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone to whom it might be of value.

© Andrew Miller. All rights reserved. 2011.
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Name: Andrew Miller
Title: President
Group: ACM Consulting
Dateline: Toronto, ON Canada
Direct Phone: 416-817-1336
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