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Researchers Try to Understand High Suicide Rate Among Veterinarians
Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian Frank King -- The Mental Health Comedian
Springfield, OR
Sunday, August 27, 2023

Veterinary Suicide Prevention
Video Clip: Click to Watch

https://youtu.be/QTUNFLpLLqE?si=6GBgM0AKpY6XfeC7 I


n the PBS reboot of the beloved series, All Creatures Great and Small, a veterinarian cares for a pampered dog who needs to lose weight, serves as a judge in a livestock competition, and almost castrates the wrong cat after locals buy him one too many drinks at the pub.

One TV critic called the storylines "soothing." Real life veterinary care rarely has soothing storylines. Studies are finding that veterinarians cope with significant professional and personal stress and have a higher suicide rate than the general population.

In a 2021 survey, 12.5 percent of surveyed veterinarians described themselves as "suffering," and only half of these respondents were getting mental health care. Read more https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/researchers-try-to-understand-high-suicide-rate-among-veterinarians

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Name: Frank King
Group: The Mental Health Comedian, LLC
Dateline: Springfield, OR United States
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