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Returning to the office? What is it about your coworkers that you're NOT looking forward to?
Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert Jan McInnis - Humor in Business Expert
Los Angeles, CA
Friday, August 20, 2021

What are you dreading about your coworkers when you return to the office?
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What bugs us about our coworkers? We think we miss our coworkers, but it's easy to forget the annoying parts of working around other people. Conference keynote speaker and comedian Jan McInnis polled people on her LinkedIn page to weigh in on the things about their coworkers that they are not looking forward to.

The four choices were:

Coworkers doing surprise "pop bys" in their office. Of course you may have a great conversation OR it may be someone who is wasting your time.

Having to buy stuff from your coworkers kids. From Girl Scout cookies to school fundraisers like mattress sales (a real thing!), you've had a year of NOT being hit up to pay for things you probably don't need or want.

Pulled into last minute meetings. If they can't reach you, then they can't force you into a time-sucking spur of the moment meeting. Zoom was a good defenses against this during quarantine.

Hearing office gossip. Do you dread the office gossip or do you thrive on it? Or maybe you ARE it? It's harder to gossip if there's no water cooler, and so far virtual working hasn't found a water cooler replacement.

The results?

Out of the four of these choices, the top thing that people voted on that they are NOT looking forward to with their coworkers when they return to work is being pulled into last minute meetings! 46% of respondents said they dread this.

The second top choice of what they DON'T want with their coworkers is hearing office gossip. Apparently 38% of people who answered the poll want to stay out of the office gossip mix. Perhaps that's a good sign that office gossip will no longer be a thing.

Only 15% picked the option of dreading surprise office pop bys. After over a year of isolation and working from home, could it be that we're more welcoming when someone wants to swing by and chat?

And surprisingly, of the polled people, NO ONE feared buying crap from other people's kids! If only parents school age kids answered the poll, that could be the reason as they know they will be hitting their coworkers up on this one.

The sample was small and that could just mean that we aren't bugged that much by our coworkers' behavior, and instead we are looking forward to seeing them again, and even buying some Thin Mints.

About Jan McInnis

Jan McInnis is a keynote speaker, comedy writer, comedian who has spoken throughout the country to groups in health care to education, finance, and more. She's also written for the 'Jay Leno's Tonight show' monologue, syndicated cartoon strips, TV, radio, and even guests on the 'Jerry Springer show.'

Other achievements of Jan McInnis include she was featured in the Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, and The Washington Post. Ms. McInnis is also the author of two books, "Convention Comedian- Stories and Wisdom from Two Decades of Chicken Dinners and Comedy Clubs" and "Finding the Funny Fast- How to Create Quick Humor to Connect with Clients, Coworkers, and Crowds". And she hosts a podcast titled "Comedian Stories: Tales From the Road in Under 5 Minutes."

Jan McInnis

Keynote Speaker, Comedian, and Master of Ceremonies


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Name: Jan McInnis
Title: Funny Keynote Speaker
Group: The Work Lady
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA United States
Direct Phone: 800-492-9394
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