Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We were shocked and saddened when we heard about the recent death of Robin Williams. Who can forget his iconic movies – Good Morning Vietnam or Mrs. Doubtfire amongst many other favorites? Apparently, this brilliant comedian, who publically admitted that he suffered from depression, took his own life.
How ironic that my own sister died two days before Robin Williams. The cause of her death was incurable cancer. I hope they get a chance to meet each other in heaven.
Depression is a serious condition that requires constant monitoring and careful handling. The hand of depression can reach out and pull a person down into a pit of despair at any given moment, and this can happen to anyone. Life is hard ? it is easy to feel depressed. Depression is not so much sadness, but a loss of direction or clarity in one?s future. Who knows what Robin Williams was feeling about his future at the time. Depression can be treated with medication, which can elevate a person just enough to keep the condition at bay. There is also a connection to hormone imbalance and testosterone in the middle-aged male that can play a role. Foods as well can have an effect on moods as can recreational drugs and alcohol which were apparently featured in Robin Williams past. More study needs to be done to understand the chemical imbalances in the brain.
We will mourn Robin Williams loss, as I am mourning the loss of my dear sister. We do not know why these people are taken early, nor do we understand the mystery and the unfolding tapestry of life. These are the mysteries, and we must learn to accept the hand that we are dealt. Robin Williams will be entertaining everyone in heaven, and we here on earth will have a greater appreciation for the body of work he left behind.