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Room 214 and Filtrbox Present Social Media Webinar
Room 214 - Social Media Agency Room 214 - Social Media Agency
Boulder, CO
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Room 214
 Learn how to get the most out of your social media initiatives

Boulder, Colo., - August 11, 2009 – Join James Clark, co-founder of Room214 and Ari Newman, president of Filtrbox for a free webinar focused on how to best leverage social media to make your business more successful.

WHAT: The Webinar will cover the basics of social media interaction and recommend best practices for engagement to develop better relationships with customers. It will include a basic framework for social media activities within your organization. Attendees will get a free 14-day trial of Filtrbox G2 and one lucky attendee will win a free social media audit from Room 214 valued at $15,000.

WHERE: Register online at: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/9icqzthevo1u

WHEN: Thursday, August 13, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. MDT


Room 214 is a social media agency offering online word of mouth marketing services that include: viral and social media campaign development and execution; online reputation management and monitoring; Facebook strategies, management and implementation; Post Zinger blog and podcast development; Apple-approved iPhone application development; custom Facebook application development, RSS/syndicating online press rooms; optimized press releases, online article marketing, search engine optimization; Google-certified search marketing; landing and conversion page development and email management. For more information please visit http://www.Room214.com or the company's blog at http://www.CaptureTheConversation.com

CONTACT: For more information on the Webinar, please contact Erin Pickard at 303-444-9214 or epickard@room214.com.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: James Clark
Group: Room 214, INC
Dateline: Boulder, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-444-9214
Cell Phone: 303-886-4259
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