Home > NewsRelease > Rusty & Marie Goe Honored on Boss’s Day - 10-16-2009
Rusty & Marie Goe Honored on Boss’s Day - 10-16-2009

By Maya Roberts and the girls at Southgate Coins

National Boss's Day fell on Friday October 16. Traditionally, the employees at Southgate Coins in Reno, NV honor their two bosses, Rusty and Marie Goe on this occasion, with anything from us treating them to a special lunch, to giving them a nice card and warm wishes. We always try to make that extra little effort to let them know that even though work can be tough, we know that they appreciate us. We want to reciprocate that appreciation on any chance (and for any reason) we can.

In preparation for a special Boss's Day tribute I wanted to publish on Southgate Coins' Web site, I had each of my fellow employees express what it means to work at Southgate Coins. Following are their responses:

From Nicole:

Working at Southgate Coins has opened me up to so many new things that I never thought possible, or that I even knew existed. It has been a truly rewarding experience to be able to work with such knowledgeable, reputable, and hard-working bosses, Marie and Rusty, and with such a lovely staff of girls who always keep me on my toes. No job I ever worked at taught me so much, and although at times it can get very challenging, Rusty and Marie are always there for support and guidance. As bosses, they go so far out of their way with celebrations, birthdays, Free Lunch Fridays, and so much more! I have learned so much in my 10 months of working at Southgate Coins, and I anticipate learning so much more from two bosses I'm sure I will never forget!

From Cara:

Working at Southgate Coins this past year has been an adventure. Being an employee here has allowed me to experience and learn many things that I never thought I would. Rusty and Marie have created an environment that fosters growth as well as a good work ethic. Working here is so much more than I could expect at any other job. I believe that above all, working at Southgate Coins means family. I enjoy coming into work every day knowing that Marie's smile and Rusty's warm "hello" will greet me. Rusty and Marie work so hard to accommodate all of our school schedules. They also recognize important events in our lives, like each one our birthdays. Both of them make all of us girls feel important in our own ways.

I sincerely appreciate all that Marie and Rusty have done for me over this past year. They are truly great bosses.

From Crystal:

Working here for over a year has sure been interesting. There's so much that I've learned about coins and I don't think I'll ever look at them again in the same way. I've been taught what to look at when viewing a coin when describing it, and also about varieties and rarities. I've even gotten lucky enough to see a few truly rare, unique, and fascinating coins. I'm sure every coin collector can appreciate what it would be like having Rusty Goe as a mentor on a regular basis—all of us Southgate girls are so lucky.

On top of all that, there are all the special occasions that I've gotten to participate in: birthday celebrations, dress-up days, holiday celebrations, and even the fantastic all-day company golf tournament. Don't get me wrong, working here can be hard work, but I've learned more just by working here in one year then I have learned in a year at college. Plus it's a joy coming into work: feeling wanted and feeling as if I truly belong. At Southgate Coins it's not just about bosses and employees, it's about friendships.

From Maya:

Thanks girls. Of course, I (Maya) couldn't wrap up this tribute without sharing my own thoughts:

Over the past two-and-a-half years, I have come to have a family-away-from-family with Rusty and Marie Goe. They've watched watch me go through some good and bad times, and they have continued to support me through whatever comes down the pike. I know that they appreciate me, and they have never faltered in expressing that appreciation whenever they can. I hope that they know that when they go through hard times, I aim to be just as supportive to them, and I understand that times of testing can occur. Sometimes it's not always fun or fair, but you must deal with what you can, and hopefully you'll continually strive to become better. (My heart as well as the hearts of my fellow employees at Southgate Coins goes out to Rusty and Marie over the tragic loss of their beloved Yorkshire terrier, Sonny—he was a precious little boy).

Rusty and Marie, all of us know that October 2009 has been a very hard month for you, but we want you to know that it's been a privilege for us, your A-team, to have been here for you, 100%.

Hopefully, in many ways, this Boss's Day will be a pleasant one for both of you to remember.

With our love,

Maya, Nicole, Cara, and Crystal

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Name: Rusty Goe
Group: Southgate Coins
Dateline: Reno, NV United States
Direct Phone: (775) 322-4455
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