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San Francisco Author Appointed to Head Futurists Hall of Fame Committee
John Renesch --  The Sustainability Futurist John Renesch -- The Sustainability Futurist
Monday, October 17, 2011

San Francisco, October 17, 2011: Businessman-turned-futurist John Renesch, author of 14 books including the just-released The Great Growing Up, was appointed Chair of the Nominating Committee for the annual Laurel Awards, presented by the international Shaping Tomorrow's Foresight Network. Started in 2009, the Laurel Awards are presented annually to renowned futurists for outstanding contributions to the profession.

Renesch serves on the Network Board and served as inaugural chair as the Board was being formed in 2009. Based in San Francisco, he offers keynote speeches, advisory services and publishes a free monthly newsletter entitled John Renesch's Mini-Keynote in addition to writing books.

Those futurists previously inducted in the Hall of Fame include R. Buckminster ("Bucky") Fuller (1895-1983), Herman Kahn (1922-1983), Donella Meadows (1941-2001), Jules Verne (1828-1905), and HG Wells (1866-1946). Living futurists who have been previously inducted include Alvin Toffler, Ray Kurzweil and Hazel Henderson amongst others.

Mike Jackson, the London-based founder of the Network, appointed Renesch as Chair and will also serve on the Committee along with a three other members.

The nearly 3,000 member Foresight Network will be calling for nominations in the coming weeks for this year's selection, which Renesch's committee will oversee.

To contact Renesch, or for review copies of his new book, email him at john@renesch.com or leave a message on his voicemail at 415-437-6974.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: John Renesch
Title: Futurist, author, keynote speaker
Group: Renesch Advisory Services
Dateline: San Francisco, CA United States
Direct Phone: 415-437-6974
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