Saturday, November 2, 2013
Santa Barbara Protocol Fukushima
Recent events in Fukushima, Japan, highlight the ongoing dangers posed by
nuclear power plants, especially those located at sea level near earthquake faults. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said on September 22, 2013 that
Fukushima – along with the Chernobyl disaster – serve as a wake-up call for the world's citizens.
He said, "The effects of nuclear accidents respect no borders. To adequately
safeguard our people, we must have strong international consensus and action. We also need greater cooperation between international organizations and between governments."
We are deeply concerned over the deteriorating condition of the nuclear facility in Fukushima Dai-ichi, Japan. Humanity is standing on the brink of a possible worldwide nuclear catastrophe. The world changed as a result of the radioactive material that is being released into the air, soil, and water.
Large quantities of radioactive material are in a precariously unstable situation in the Fukushima nuclear facility. Inability to effectively keep this material cool could result in another nuclear event. Another natural disaster like the 7.3 magnitude earthquake that occurred there on October 25, 2013, will destabilize the situation even further and reduce the likelihood of a meaningful response.
Radioactivity continues to be released into the air and ocean. The effects on our health are incomprehensible because of the magnitude of radioactivity released and the extent of spread and contamination are unknown.
We don't know all of the details, risks and levels of radioactivity, but we have been exposed. American officials stated in 2011 that the diluting effects of the vast Pacific Ocean expanse would likely neutralize any deleterious effects from the radioactive seepage by the time it reached U.S. shores, but a 2012 Stanford study has shown that all Pacific Bluefin tuna caught off the West Coast of California had more than the usual amount of radioactive cesium that had been present prior to the Fukushima event in March of 2011. We the people are entitled to accurate records of emissions.
The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the foods we eat are gifts of life for all of us no matter what our creed or our color. These precious gifts have been contaminated.
The silence from the media and the government has been deafening. We must conduct our own research, report to the media, and be truthful with ourselves. We appeal to the United Nations to coordinate an international response, and urge the United States and other nations to dispatch their best engineers and resources to Japan.
The Chinese symbol for crisis is composed of two letters – one is danger and the other is opportunity. We have an opportunity to help the Japanese with the crisis in Fukushima. We want the best and the brightest experts to make the decisions.
The Sanna Barbara Protocol is a step towards a global call to action. We call on the people of the world to do whatever is necessary to:
1. Halt the contamination of the water and air as a result of the leakage of
radioactive material at Fukushima;
2. Secure the nuclear plant at Fukushima so that the fragile, unstable
radioactive nuclear material will not progress to a nuclear event that
threatens our existence; and,
3. Initiate an immediate moratorium on all construction of nuclear plants
or weapons until such time as there is diligent consideration of the safety
of all nuclear materials.
It is our inalienable right, for the sake of our children and our children's children and all of humanity, that we protect ourselves from future nuclear events at
home and around the world.
The Santa Barbara Protocol was adopted in Santa Barbara, California following the 24 October 2013 UN Day town hall meeting: Fukushima…Diablo – Now What?
Santa Barbara Protocol Fukushima by Mitchell Davis