Home > NewsRelease > Scams: – Goat Glands, Tontines, Catfishing, and the Original Texas Charlatan Talk Show host..
Scams: – Goat Glands, Tontines, Catfishing, and the Original Texas Charlatan Talk Show host..
NewsTip -- Story Ideas and Contacts NewsTip -- Story Ideas and Contacts
Washington, DC
Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Scams: – Goat Glands, Tontines, Catfishing, and the Original Texas Charlatan Talk Show host...

This is the first Full Moon Edition the ExpertClick news feed. Full moon is tonight!

All shows and podcasts can Contact Guests directly.

50,000 Watt stations and the Talker's Heavy Hundred get concierge service –Request the guest, we will book them and give you the lead off questions. Contact Mitchell Davis at (202)_333-5000 or email to ExpertClick@Gmail.com and I'll get you all the guests you need to fill your green room, and get your listeners to never spin the dial so you can sell all your ad time slots.

See the top 100 Radio Talk Shows on Talker's Heavy Hundred here:


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http://www.InterviewClick.com is live:

See and answer journalist questions at www.InvterviewClick.com

Journalists can ask questions! Experts can answer!

Like Bumble, - the dating site, InterviewClck is founded on respect, equality, and inclusion. Journalists can find experts, — but on InverivewClick journalists always make the first move. Experts can answer questions and post those questions to their press rooms showing their expertise, and boost their SEO, as asking question is key to great SEO.

== PRWEEK called InterviewClick: "Dating Service of PR"

Journalists who qualify are invited to register here:


Here's how we define: "Who is a qualifying journalist"


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Movie of week –"The Wrong Box" is a tale of inheritance and a tontine –

Here's what Wikipedia say about tontines -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tontine

A tontine (/'t?nta?n, -i?n, ?t?n'ti?n/) is an investment linked to a living person which provides an income for as long as that person is alive. Such schemes originated as plans for governments to raise capital in the 17th century and became relatively widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries. Tontines enable subscribers to share the risk of living a long life by combining features of a group annuity with a kind of mortality lottery. Each subscriber pays a sum into a trust and thereafter receives a periodical payout. As members die, their payout entitlements devolve to the other participants, and so the value of each continuing payout increases. On the death of the final member, the trust scheme is usually wound up.[1]

Here's the trailer : https://youtu.be/GR-5ZzB7yAQ

…and link the full movie – free to watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/_PprS91tvx0

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I have an interest in Tontines and invite you follow my Twitter account as share more info https://twitter.com/TheTontineCafe

When this trend of being able to bet on people's lives my bet is they will buy lots of radio time. (Sure, this is touted as retirement planning, but you know what will happen.)

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James D. Feldman talks about avoiding online dating and romance scams.

With the growth of online dating, the risk of scams has significantly increased, leading to financial, safety, and emotional consequences. Feldman, an experienced speaker and author, will share insights and tools to help protect attendees from scams. The presentations are tailored for parents and grandparents, adults using dating apps, and mature adults receiving monetary requests from online acquaintances.

1. How does Feldman address the unique challenges faced by different age demographics in his presentations?

2. What are some key 'red flags' that Feldman highlights in his presentations to help individuals identify potential scams?

How can someone apply Feldman's insights to build a safer online dating experience?



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What the other side of dating and why classical personal introduction dating services like Elite Connections solve the fraud with screening?

Contact: Bruce Edwin who represents www.EliteConnections.com

His phone is: 310-226-7176

Email is: starpowermanagementllc@gmail.com

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Beth Ann Blackwood -- Author of 'Moving Forward Looking Back'

Life, Love, and Loss: One Year of Coping with Grief

Already a top Ten Amazon Bestseller in Death, Grief and Spirituality

Dallas, TX—Experts say it takes a year to adjust to losing a spouse. Many grieving individuals will ask, "how long will I feel like this?" Grief is not easy or linear, but there is hope at the end of the journey. That's exactly what Beth Ann Blackwood illustrates in her new book Moving Forward, Looking Back. In a journal-like fashion, Beth Ann Blackwood reflects on her life for the first year after the death of her husband Tom, from sharing memories of their marriage to diving into the hardest parts of loss.

Moving Forward, Looking Back is essentially two stories in one: Beth Ann and Tom's meeting, marriage, and life together, and Beth Ann's experience during the first year after Tom's death. Each chapter begins in the present and then reveals some of the past, so that the full story of their lives together is formed by the end of the book. The reader sees them come together but also lose each other at the same time, creating a unique juxtaposition that doesn't come with a linear plot.

Watch Moving Forward Looking Back Book Trailer at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTggTn8ZujI

Contact: scottlorenz@westwindcos.com



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PAIRS Foundation: Strengthening Relationships for Over 25 Years

The PAIRS Foundation, a nonprofit organization with a mission to strengthen marriages and relationships, has been providing evidence-based skills for over a quarter century. With a network of 2,000+ certified instructors, PAIRS has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives across various life stages and relationship statuses. The foundation's innovative curricula, designed for different timeframes, have been particularly beneficial for distressed couples, military personnel, and veterans. A five-year study showed that nine hours of PAIRS training helped save 75% of distressed marriages. PAIRS' unique approach to enhancing emotional literacy, empathy, communication, and conflict resolution has solidified its status as a National Best Practice.

Three Questions:

1. What makes PAIRS Foundation's curricula unique compared to other relationship education programs?

2. Can PAIRS Foundation's programs benefit individuals who are not currently in a relationship or contemplating marriage?

3. How can someone become a certified PAIRS instructor and contribute to the foundation's mission?

Seth Eisenberg



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Jan Du Plain, CEO and President of Du Plain Global Enterprises, leads a public relations and special events company focused on diplomatic and international organizations. Her extensive experience in DC's diplomatic community includes spearheading various events with ambassadors, heads of state, and other influential figures. Notable programs include Passport DC, Around the World Embassy Tour, Winternational, EventDC's Embassy Chef Challenge, State Department's Fashion and Diplomacy, and NPC's Ambassadors' Reception. Du Plain has also served as Embassy Liaison for several prominent organizations.

1. What inspired Jan Du Plain to focus on diplomatic and international organizations in her public relations and special events work?

2. How has Jan Du Plain's work impacted the diplomatic community in Washington, D.C.?

3. Can you share any memorable experiences from the events and programs Jan Du Plain has organized or participated in?

Jan Du Plain



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The News Council serves public interest Group – Do you know a group worthy?

Here are the guidelines:

Qualifications for Public Interest Groups wishing to join forces with The News Council --

-- the valiant purveyor of truth, vanquisher of falsehoods, and sworn enemy of titillating yet frivolous news!

Mission: Must be a do-gooder extraordinaire, with aims that jive perfectly with our own superhero-like endeavors of spreading knowledge and uplifting society!

1. Relevance: Keep it current, folks! Address those burning social issues that have everyone a-twitter (not just on Twitter).

2. Impact: Prove that you've got the power to make the world a better place, one awesome initiative at a time.

3. Collaborative Spirit: Play well with others, and let's join hands to make the world a more informed, wholesome place!

4. Leadership: Be the Dumbledore to our Hogwarts - wise, visionary, and possessing a spectacular beard (beard optional).

5. Ethical Practices: Keep it clean, folks! Nobody likes a shady character lurking in the shadows of dishonesty.

6. Budget: Show us the money! We need your financial support to cook up some seriously powerful public service news campaigns.

7. Media Exposure: Be the Taylor Swift of social causes - attract attention and get people talking about the right things.

8. Diversity: Embrace the power of the melting pot! We're all about that eclectic mix of ideas, backgrounds, and identities.

9. Measurable Outcomes: Show us the numbers, baby! Prove your past victories and help us evaluate our dynamic duo's future success.

Contact Mitchell Davis – WashingtonDC@NewsCouncil.org

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I have an interest in Tontines and invite you follow my Twitter account as share more info https://twitter.com/TheTontineCafe

When this trend of being able to bet on People's lives my bet is they will buy lots of radio time. (Sure, this is touted as retirement planning, but you know what will happened when you can bet on your Uncle's life,)

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Mitchell Davis was interviewed on the Frankie Boyer radio show. Here's the show as posted at our Soundcloud channel – www.ExpertRadio.com



Frankie wanted to "Old Time Radio," and we chatted about a radio charlatan for the 1930's who had a million watt radio station in Mexico that reached all of the USA. ..and leading medical quack who pioneered an impotence cure for men of implanting goat glands to cure male impotence.. . I hope you enjoy the show – for more info on Dr. Brinkley here's his Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_R._Brinkley

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….and here's longer list of news releases from Exper

tClick you may have missed.

Click to www.NewsReleaseWire.com to open and read all releases or click on release of interest.

*ChatGPT4 List of Notables --with synopsis http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293465

*BIM Planning and viewing - consistently in 3D stereo: 3D PluraView and ELITECAD make it possible http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293464

*Saudi Arabia's Investment Fund Delivers US Pitch http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293462

*Leadership Developmemt and the Art of Listening http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293463

*March 2023 – Monthly Changelog http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293460

*Anti-Discrimination Resources for Associations http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293458

*Qualifications for Public Interest Groups wishing to join forces with The News Council http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293457

*PromptNow Launches Marketplace Platform - The Ultimate Solution for AI Art http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293456

*Merck Manuals Stevie Award-Winning #MindOverMyth Campaign for Mental Health Awareness http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293454

*Listen First, then Act, During Succession http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293453

*Introducing the Concierge Level for PR Firm Clients http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293451

*New Pickleball Players Can Learn the Game, Improve Their Skills, and Make Friends with New Book, 'Pickleball: Get in the Game!' http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293450

*2023 Mazda CX-5 Turbo Signature – a solid SUV value http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293449

*Gannett CEO voluntarily reduces compensation by half http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293446

*See Ya! Saying Goodbye in the Workplace… It's About How You Make Them Feel http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293445

*Do You Want Five Eco-Friendly Best Practices For Business? http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293444

*How Stock Pickers Incorporate (Or Don't) ESG And Stay Within Their Fiduciary Duty To Clients http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293440

*Betting With Bonnie http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293439

*Moments that changed the course of this NBA season http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293436

*A Minute with Alan™ — Extemporaneousness http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293431

*The Strong National Museum of Play Launches "Bringing Barbie to Everyone" Project to Digitize and Share its Barbie Collections http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293429

*Author Smarts Today … Are You Findable and Visible? http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293427

*Should AIDA be Replaced? http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293424

*Snappy Sound Bites Will Turn a TV Appearance Into A Huge Success Says Book Publicist Scott Lorenz http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293420

*April Postal Record available http://www.NewsReleaseWire.com/293417

Did this get forwarded to you, and you want be on this list? It is easy just send an email to ExpertClick@Gmail.com with subscribe as the subject,

--Mitchell Davis

P.S: Need a keynote speaker for your next event? Dial 1-800-KEY-NOTE -- that's my cell phone. You'll get personal access to the International Platform Associator – founded in 1831 by Daniel Webster.

See the site at www.InternationalPlatform.org.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Mitchell Davis
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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