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Security Expert Tips to Keep Businesses Safe on Inauguration Day
Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert Timothy A. Dimoff -- High Risk Security Expert
Akron, OH
Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Security Expert Tips to Keep Businesses Safe on Inauguration Day

Akron, Ohio, January 12, 2021... America is facing potential violence of an unprecedented nature on January 20 as Joe Biden is inaugurated as the next President of the United States. The threat of violence is very real and has the potential to touch Americans where they live and work. Protests are planned for every State Capital building around the country. In response to these threats and to help businesses and the general public to prepare, Timothy Dimoff, President of SACS Consulting, (www.sacsconsulting.com) a high-risk national security company, has issued these tips to help citizens and businesses prepare:

  • Be aware of intelligence reports regarding potential violent circumstances that may take place in our State Capitals over the next one to two weeks.
  • Continue with your normal daily activities unless a warning is issued. This will happen in the event any aggressive behavior begins to take place.
  • In the event of actual protest action - stay completely away from the designated protest or any other areas of unrest, near or around state capital buildings, until it is announced that these areas are safe.
  • If you live in an area of potential violence or protests, make arrangements to temporarily stay with friends or family, or make temporary living arrangements elsewhere, outside of the area of potential protest during this time frame.
  • Businesses that are in these potential protest areas absolutely need to close down. They should physically secure their physical locations and consider hiring security to be stationed at each of their facilities 24/7 until the protest/dangers are over and things return to normal.
  • Businesses can support local and federal law enforcement by having their cameras running 24/7, provide live ongoing coverage and the ability to view footage 24/7. They should also save and provide all footage to law enforcement after the protests/dangers are over.

While there is no guarantee of complete safety and security, these steps can go a long way to help keep businesses and citizens safe and out of harm's way.


For more information contact: Carol Saferin, Mart Saferin & Associates, LLC 440-669-6325

About Timothy Dimoff, CPP

Timothy Dimoff is founder and president of SACS Consulting Inc. a security and consulting firm that specializes in workplace security, HR, vulnerability assessments,  violence prevention and other workplace related issues. Corporate headquarters is located at Canal Place, Suite 2516, 520 S. Main St., Akron, OH 44311. Telephone: 330-255-1101. Website:  www.sacsconsulting.com. or  www.timothydimoff.com.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Carol Saferin
Group: Mart Saferin & Associates, LLC
Dateline: Green Valley, AZ United States
Direct Phone: 440-669-6325
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