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Self-Help Film Wins BEST INDEPENDENT FILM at LV Film Festival
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Friday, July 27, 2012

"The Keeper of the Keys" Wins BEST INDEPENDENT FILM Award at Las Vegas Film Festival
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"Self-help doesn't have to be painful!" That's how Writer/Producer Robin Jay explains the meaning behind her film's tagline: "Taking the 'Hell' Out of Self-help." The movie, The Keeper of the Keys, just won the prestigious Best Independent Film award at the 2012 Las Vegas Film Festival.

The Keeper of the Keys stars personal development icons Jack Canfield, John Gray, and Marci Shimoff along with a cast of outstanding experts from as far away as the U.K, and is the first FUNNY self-help film ever. The movie focuses on seven keys that, when implemented, can help people to live a better, more satisfying, and authentic life. These keys are Appreciation, Harmony, Passion, Faith, Vibration, Courage, and Empathy

Jay said, "The challenge was in making a movie that was funny - without taking anything away from the experts. I was able to do that by having the experts interact with interesting fictional characters during a dream sequence. The main fictional character is not a fan of self-help - so he resists the experts' advice. The interaction between him and the experts, as well as with his fictional spiritual guide keeps the tone light, in spite of several incredibly moving scenes. It all came together brilliantly. Audience reaction has been incredible. EVERYONE loves this movie!"

Viewers will find themselves rooting for the main fictional character, "Michael Walden," as he struggles to make sense of his disintegrating life and his unsatisfying circumstances. In the movie, Michael Walden has had one bad day after another - with no end in sight. After losing his job and finding his house in foreclosure, he becomes increasingly negative and frustrated. His fiancée, Anne, tired of his endless, negative rants, breaks off their engagement.

Michael believes he is a victim of his circumstances. Success Coach Jack Canfield appears on Michael's TV screen to say he is sending some friends to help Michael find his way; they are experts who can help him gain control of his life. This is just the beginning of a wonderfully entertaining movie that has Michael encountering experts from around the world, led through an eerie estate by Elizabeth, a mysterious yet somewhat cynical spiritual guide.

"Not only is this movie funny, but it also has the ability to empower the viewers. The stories that the experts share are often based on their own experiences of personal transformation. There has never been a film like this before" Jay continues, "When most people hear the words 'transformational documentary,' they think of an endless stream of dull, talking heads. I have seen enough of these, myself, and decided it was time that someone raised the bar on the entire genre."

The most consistent comment I hear from people is, "It was so much better than I thought it would be!" Because of this, I can see that my greatest challenge now is getting people turned on to it. Once they watch it, they become fans.

Custom jeweler Harry Mason wrote to Jay, saying, "I have been a student of transformation for over 31 years. I have attended many seminars, read many books , listened to many CD's and watched many movies, including The Secret. I have used what I have learned to build a successful business, empowering our customers and our staff.

"Your movie, The Keeper of the Keys is in a league of its own. It was a joy to watch for several reasons. It was an engaging story - watching the main character resist transformation, then begin to understand his resistance and ultimately become a more enlightened human being. Plus, it had a happy ending! There were many pearls of wisdom, not only from the three transformational teachers I have studied with, Jack Canfield, John Gray and Marci Shimoff, but also from the many other teachers with whom I was unfamiliar. So, it gave me some new mentors to study. And, the best part was that it was very FUNNY! Humor is a great teaching tool, and the humor in your movie was used exceptionally well to get across many of the points that lead to the main character's transformation. I'll be recommending it to my friends, customers and staff. I am looking forward to your next movie!"

Jay hopes that winning the Las Vegas Film Festival's award for BEST INDEPENDENT FILM will definitely help to bring attention to this amazing, unique, empowering movie.

The DVD is available at www.TheKeeperoftheKeys.com For more information, contact Robin Jay at Robin@RobinJay.com or call 702-460-1420.

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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