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Signorelli Offers Resolution for Common Self-Employment Challenge
Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness
Sitllwater, MN
Friday, April 8, 2011

For immediate release:

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Contact: Anthony Signorelli

888-828-3666 ext. 1


Many small business owners, independent contractors, and other self-employed professionals face a perennial challenge: a genuine love of work, but a persistent lack of money. In his latest blog post on www.newrulesofselfemployment.com, Anthony Signorelli, Twin Cities self-employment consultant, explains the financial and emotional impact of this challenge and offers straightforward advice for resolving it.

"Self-employed professionals are doing what they love," says Signorelli. "They are independent, serving others, making a difference. They should be on top of the world, but the reality is—money is tight. At the end of the day, they feel exhausted and underpaid. Fortunately, there is a way out." In his blog, Signorelli proposes a clear, common-sense approach to this familiar problem by addressing two major factors that contribute to it: time and price. He recommends professionals prioritize their business focus, reduce or eliminate unproductive time, increase billable activities, and shift the way they think about pricing their work. "This shift in thinking requires a professional to move from an attitude of scarcity to one of abundance," offers Signorelli. "Abundance acknowledges that you are valuable and therefore, can and should ask for a price that reflects that value." By visiting the latest blog, professionals can find further details, additional recommendations, and advice for implementing the recommendations in their own business.

Signorelli is the founder of the New Rules of Self Employment. He is also an entrepreneur, a consultant in sales force effectiveness and process design for major corporations, and the author of several books and articles on these subjects. Information on the New Rules of Self Employment is available on his website: www.newrulesofselfemployment.com.


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Name: Anthony Signorelli
Title: Principal Consultant
Dateline: Sitllwater, MN United States
Direct Phone: 651-340-2196
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