Home > NewsRelease > Silver Planet® Selected to Present at the AARP Diversity & Aging in the 21st Century Conference
Silver Planet® Selected to Present at the AARP Diversity & Aging in the 21st Century Conference
Silver Planet -- Trusted Senior Resource Silver Planet -- Trusted Senior Resource
Colorado Springs, CO
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Silver Planet has been selected to lead a panel discussion on ageism, what age-based prejudice and discrimination mean, and how to overcome age stereotyping and embrace positive aging. What does being old mean? Why is it a negative to grow older? The panel will focus on the ethical, legal, and social issues that surround age prejudices, and how best to move beyond these barriers in real life.

The AARP Diversity & Aging in the 21st Century Conference, The Power of Inclusion, will be held in Chicago from June 8-10, 2009.

Panelists include experts on aging, the law, and the new view on aging:

Justice Faith Ireland,
retired Washington State Supreme Court justice, is both a legal mediator and active powerlifter. She holds five national titles and several world medals as a powerlifting champion.

Dr. Elinor Greenberg, published author of nine books, is an academic educator and community development professional who writes a regular blog, Dear Ellie, on Silver Planet.

Sara Myers, MA,
managing director for the National Adult Day Services Association, has over 30 years of experience working with older adults and their families. Sara writes a caregiving blog, A Good Enough Daughter, for Silver Planet.

Karen Klein, JD,
is general counsel and vice president of corporate development for Silver Planet, a Web site designed to inform, inspire, and interact with the 55+ generation. Karen has more than 25 years of legal experience, and serves her community as a mentor and as a board member for several nonprofits.

Scholarships are available for the conference. For information, contact diversity@aarp.org.

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Name: Karen Klein
Dateline: Bainbridge Island, WA United States
Direct Phone: 206.498.4594
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