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So You Say You Want It?
Michael J. Herman  -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force Michael J. Herman -- Mr. Motivation -- The World's Biggest Motivational Force
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA
Tuesday, September 12, 2023


So You Say You Want It?

©2023  Michael J. Herman All Rights Reserved

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Here’s the thing about wanting it:

You can’t wish it.

You can’t pray for it.

You can’t visualize it.

You can’t think it.

You can’t dream about it.

You can’t hope it.

You can’t meditate it.

You can’t will it by force.

You have to do the work,


Want to be a best-selling author?

Write the book.

Want to be a credited screenwriter?

Finish the script.

Want to be an actor? Dancer? Painter? Rock ‘N Roll Musician? Professional athlete? Politician?

Want to own your own business?

Want to be your own boss?

Want to be financially FREE?

Want to be healthy, fit, and abundant?


Want your health and wellness to be at peak potential?

Stop eating what you shouldn’t be eating and start eating what you should be eating.

I'm not preaching. These are the formulas for the results you desire.

Are you drinking lots of water?

Stop the sodas, dairy, refined sugars, alcohol, tobacco, and watching tons of TV.


Move your body and your mind. Stimulate the essential elements of well-being and well-being will sprout like wild grass after a rain shower.

It takes commitment to get and have what you want, and it takes discipline to achieve greater things than fat, floppy guts, high blood pressure, and avoid preventable diseases.

It takes discipline and vision to grow wealth and solvency. It takes avoidance and denial to be broke, poor, and destitute. 

Don’t be one of those momentary indulgent narcissist jackasses who see the cake on the table, or the immediate gratification with no regard or consideration for the next moment, or moments.

“The pain of discipline weighs ounces. The pain of regret weighs tons.” Tony Robbins.

“Everybody wants the good life, but not everybody gets the good life, because not everyone is willing to do what it takes to get what they want. They’re only willing to do what they do.” Tai Lopez.

It's not the one hundredth chin up that makes you the World Heavyweight Champion. It's the one hundred and third when everyone else does one hundred.

Excuses grow like weeds and dry out to die and blow away in the wind, while results are like bamboo. You plant bamboo and you wait. You water the seed and you wait. You watch for a sign and you wait. You hope the seed didn't die and you wait. You wonder about the seed and if it will ever sprout and you wait. You think you see something and you wait.

And then when you've almost completely forgotten the seed was even planted, BAM! Bamboo shoots out of the ground and in only a few days grows to more than 40-feet tall.

You weren't waiting... the roots were growing. It just took longer to see

the results.

Can you be bamboo? Strong, sturdy, resolute, and unbreakable? If you can, then you'll get what you seek. But you have to really want it.

Michael J. Herman is Editor-In-Chief for Luxury Media Group. You can see his bylines at themotivationalminute.com and Substack.com/Michael-j-herman

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Michael J. Herman, Speaker-Writer-Author-Entrepreneur
(818) -894-4610  |  M: (818) 441-9288
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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Michael J. Herman
Title: President, CEO
Group: The Motivational Minute Publishing Company
Dateline: Granada Hills, CA United States
Direct Phone: 818-894-4610
Main Phone: 818-894-4610
Cell Phone: 818-441-9288
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