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‘Solid Ground’ by T.W. Lewis Garners Literary Titan Gold Award

‘Solid Ground’ by T.W. Lewis Garners Literary Titan Gold Award

Scottsdale, Arizona--One of the most fascinating self-help books to come out recently, Solid Ground: A Foundation for Winning in Work and in Life by T.W. Lewis, has won the Literary Titan Gold Medal Book Award. Lewis has taken the many lessons learned from family, friends and business associates and created a unique and inspiring roadmap for life.

This is the second award for Solid Ground which was recently named "Winner" of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award in the Self-Help category.

What sets Solid Ground apart are the clear and concise messages which accompany one's journey through the interesting and successful life of T.W. Lewis. The reader lives his story while absorbing the valuable lessons which propelled Lewis to become a highly respected businessman and philanthropist. By carefully looking back at various turning points in his homebuilding career, Lewis provides a road map for whatever part of the journey one might be traveling at any given time.

Another aspect which sets this book apart are continual reminders of where business practices and values came from and what they mean for a company and everyone affected by their existence. Truly a self-made man, Lewis used his grit, determination, and a little luck to overcome the odds and to build the "solid ground" on which his future success would rest.   

"I wrote this book because young adults today are getting bad advice about how to succeed," Lewis says. "I want to show them a better way. When it comes to being successful in life, having good judgment and making good decisions are far more important than just being smart."

The T.W. Lewis Company has received numerous national awards, including America's Best Builder and the National Housing Quality Gold Award. Lewis received a Lifetime Achievement recognition from Professional Builder magazine and was named the first inductee into the National Housing Quality Hall of Fame.

"In today's media-driven, anything-goes culture," says Lewis, "we seem to be losing sight of solid ground—the time-tested attributes of personal character, hard work, goal setting, self-awareness, and helping others—that have always been necessary for a successful life. Popular myths are now attempting to redefine everything, and the 'solid ground' is being replaced with the 'shifting sands' of instant gratification, self-absorption, and consumerism."

Lewis challenges these popular myths that make it harder to achieve success and happiness. These are a few of the myths Lewis takes head on.

"Tom Lewis has provided a roadmap for a richer, more meaningful, and happier life. Take that road!" Dennis Prager, Author and syndicated talk show host

"T.W. Lewis is an impressive mentor—a guide for securing success and happiness." Grady Harp, Amazon Top 50 Hall of Fame Reviewer, 5-stars

"Solid Ground guides readers to become masters of their fates and captains of their souls." Barbara Barrett, Nominee for Secretary of the Air Force



Successful people are just lucky.

Successful people use their natural talent, start early, work late, set goals, and keep getting better.

You can be anything you want.

You can be anything you are naturally good at . . . if you earn it.

You have to choose between success and happiness.

You can have both, either, or neither because they are unrelated.

Work smarter, not harder.

Work smarter and harder. It takes both to succeed.

Following your passion is the key to success and happiness.

Success is the result of talent, hard work, and persistence. Happiness naturally occurs when you help others and grow as a person.

Thirty is the new twenty.

Thirty is still thirty, and your twenties are still your defining decade. Successful people don't waste time.

Solid Ground shatters the popular myths in today's culture about how to create a successful life. By reminding us of the time-tested principles of personal character, hard work, goal setting, self-awareness, and helping others that seem to have gotten lost, Solid Ground explains and celebrates the real building blocks of a successful career and life.

"Ten years from now you will thank yourself for reading this book," says Lewis. "It will change the trajectory of your life."

Solid Ground: A Foundation for Winning in Work and In Life (eBook) $9.95, ISBN 9780960095308 (Hardcover) $29.95, 2020, T.W. Lewis Company, 368 pages, available at Amazon, Barnes&Noble and Pathway Book Service.

Tom Lewis is a graduate of Kentucky University with an MBA from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and the founder of T.W. Lewis Company, a Scottsdale, Arizona-based real estate investment company known for its outstanding quality and customer service in the homebuilding industry. The company has received numerous national awards, including America's Best Builder and the National Housing Quality Gold Award. Tom received a Lifetime Achievement recognition from Professional Builder magazine and was named the first inductee into the National Housing Quality Hall of Fame.

In 2002, Tom and his wife, Jan, formed T.W. Lewis Foundation to support higher education, children and families in need, youth character education, and a variety of local and national nonprofits that build community and strengthen America's civil society.

You can find more information on Tom Lewis and Solid Ground at SolidGroundBook.com and TWLewis.com.

Media Contact: For a review copy of Solid Ground or to arrange an interview with T.W. Lewis, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com or by phone at 734-667-2090. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @abookpublicist

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Name: Scott Lorenz
Group: Westwind Communications Book Marketing
Dateline: Plymouth, MI United States
Direct Phone: 734-667-2090
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