Democracy is under threat in America, and there is a need for a wake-up call. In this spirit, book writer and songwriter Gini Graham Scott has written a series of songs describing how democracy is dying and how we all need to act quickly to fix things. The songs have been recorded by the nationally known Crystal Image Band with singer John Covert, and they are represented by the Missing Link Music publishing company that handles licensing.
These songs with a call to action include: Democracy Is Dying, What Happened to the American Dream? , and Save the World These songs have been turned into a songbook: What Happened to the American Dream?
As part this wake-up call, Gini has written her latest book comparing life in modern American to medieval times: The New American Middle Ages. For example, the pandemic is like the Black Death that swept through Europe, the UK, and the Middle East in the 1300s, while the Black Lives Matters and other revolts against injustice and the establishment are like the peasant revolts in the 14th and 15th centuries. But just as the medieval plague and revolts gave way to the Renaissance in the following century, Gini sees a similar new beginning in modern times if people wake up and act to save democracy and the American dream.
For more information, to get PDFs of books, and to set up interviews, please contact:
Jana Collins
Jones & O'Malley
Toluca Lake, California
(818) 762-8353
Nancy Parker
Executive Assistant
Changemakers Publishing
Lafayette, California
(925) 385-0608