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Speakers Bureau President: How Speakers Can Earn More
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Attend The Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp in Fabulous Las Vegas, Sept. 15, 2012
The president of the Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau, Robin Jay, said she gets emails every week from motivational speakers who want to get listed with her bureau. "They are looking for more work. And, unless a shark has bitten off your arm, you're famous, or you are the president of a Fortune 500 company, it can be a real challenge to stand out and get hired to speak."

Jay says, "Many people who love to speak professionally are having a tough time getting hired for paid speaking engagements. Even those who have consistently earned more than $50,000 a year from speaking are finding it harder than ever to get the big paid gigs. It's sad, as there are some great speakers out there who are nearly starving to death. The market is crowded with talented speakers today, and even some of the best speakers are not working as much as they'd like to. And, some organizations and associations have even started offering admission to their event instead of speaking fees, which doesn't help speakers to pay their mortgages!"

"But, there are speakers who are earning thousands every time they speak. They know that the 'American Dream' is alive and well. Those speakers took the time to understand what it takes to earn that kind of money doing what they love. Once you make the decision that you do, indeed, want to earn your living as a speaker, it's important that you understand what it takes to succeed and monetize your speaking career." Jay explains, "Being a great, engaging speaker is important, but I know countless talented speakers who can't put enough gas in their car to get home from an event! Speakers who really want to make a living from speaking need to understand how the business works and what it really takes to become a successful, PAID speaker."

Jay will be hosting a boot camp on September 15th, 2012, in Las Vegas, Nevada, that will show speakers exactly what it takes to earn thousands doing what they love. "The techniques I'm going to share are founded in science and psychology," Jay said. "And they will completely transform how speakers present. This information is the key to becoming hugely successful as a motivational speaker.

The Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp will be offered for the first time as a 1-day event, thus enabling Jay to cut the cost of tuition by more than half, making it affordable for everyone who wants to discover the secrets to earning thousands every time they speak. Seating is limited for the 1-day event. For more information or to sign up for the Millionaire Speakers Boot Camp and start earning thousands speaking, click here

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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