Friday, March 27, 2009
The International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM) has issued a Call for Speakers for the 57th IAEM Annual Conference, being held Oct. 29-Nov. 6, 2009, in Orlando Fla. The theme for the conference is ?Emergency Management: United We Stand.? The deadline for submitting speaker applications is April 24, 2009, at 5 pm EDT.
Abstract submissions are being accepted for Pre/Post-conference training workshops and conference breakout sessions. IAEM will offer six breakout session tracks during the conference: Infrastructure; Organizations and Management; Disaster-Related Social Behavior; Technology; Leadership and the Future of Emergency Management; and Contemporary.
Descriptions of each track and submission forms are available on the IAEM Web site at Applicants with questions should contact IAEM Program Manager Mary Ackleson at, or 703-538-1795 x1789.
IAEM-USA, the nation?s largest emergency management professional association, is a non-profit professional organization representing more than 4,500 emergency management and homeland security professionals for local communities, state and federal disaster officials, private sector, non-governmental organizations and others involved in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from all types of disasters including acts of terrorism. IAEM provides: access to the largest network of emergency management experts who can provide advice and assistance; the Certified Emergency Manager® program; annual scholarships; a comprehensive monthly newsletter; and more. The 2009 Annual Conference & Exhibit occurs October 31-November 4, in Orlando, Fla. at the Rosen Centre Hotel and the Orange County Convention Center. The event features significant suppliers of emergency management and homeland security products and services. See