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Spiritual Teacher Deborah KIng's Blog on Divine Messages!
Deborah King -- Spiritual Teacher Deborah King -- Spiritual Teacher
Los Angeles, CA
Monday, September 22, 2014


Have you ever had a sudden burst of inspiration where you came up with the perfect solution to a stubborn problem - out of the blue? Or has a "little voice" ever whispered a warning that saved you from a serious accident? Incidents like these, that you attributed to luck or chance, may actually have been messages from the angels!  

We can all benefit from a little divine guidance and protection - the secret is recognizing it when you feel it. In this weeks blog post at DeborahKingCenter.com, the renowned healer and spiritual teacher asks, Are You Receiving Messages From Angels? Find Out!

Deborah is convinced that "There's no advice better than divine advice." She advises her students that "By forming a strong connection with the angels, you'll be attuned to their every message and warning - and we can all benefit from that kind of support!"

For those who want to dive deeper into the realm of the angels, Deborah is presenting a Three-Lesson Live Online Ascension Course, Angels of Energy Healing in September, 2014. Early bird pricing is available now

Spiritual teacher, health and wellness expert, and New York Times best-selling author Deborah King was a successful attorney in her 20s when a diagnosis of cancer sent her on a search for truth that radically changed her life. Unwilling to undergo invasive surgery, she turned to alternative medicine and had an amazing remission. Along the way, she conquered the alcohol and drug addictions she had used to bury an abusive childhood. Leaving the corporate arena for the world of energy medicine, Deborah mastered ancient and modern healing systems, ultimately developing a powerful healing technique of her own.

She has since gone on to develop LifeForce Energy Healing and Coaching courses that both teach and transform.  Deborah’s latest book. Entangled in Darkness: Seeking the Light takes readers on an epic journey from darkness into the light of higher consciousness. Her first two books, New York Times best-selling Be Your Own Shaman and Truth Heals take you behind the scenes and into the world of energy medicine.

Deborah is featured regularly in broadcast, online, and print media. She makes frequent appearances on national TV, is regularly featured in The Huffington Post and Psychology Today and has a popular weekly show on HayHouseRadio.com®. W magazine calls Deborah’s work “electrifying.”

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Name: Deborah King
Group: Deborah King Center
Dateline: Westlake Village, CA United States
Direct Phone: (800) 790-5785
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