Monday, June 14, 2021
Many of you have been asking what you can do at the State level. Here’s a terrific option. Kudos to Eric Koleda. He has also negotiated an agreement with a KY hospital Wound Center to start treating TBIs. All relevant state initiatives can be viewed at:
My Fellow Veterans and HBOT Advocates,
Attached is a letter to KY Governor Andy Beshear requesting he support our state legislative “RESOLUTION” (see attached) to our US Senators and Congressmen/Woman. Larry Arnett leads the legislative effort for JECVO (Joint Executive Council for Veteran Organizations) who represent all of the VSO’s on the far left of the letter in KY for legislative initiatives. I will be presenting to the KY Senate and House Committees on this effort in the coming months to migrate this forward. We are requesting all of you take a similar effort in your respective states, especially all that have HBOT enacted laws.
Wyoming (non-HBOT enacted state) has already passed their resolution and forwarded it to their delegation in Washington. Grady Birdsong (Vietnam Marine Veteran) has led the way in getting Wyoming to enact the RESOLUTION, he is currently working on Colorado. Grady has a long affiliation with Rocky Mountain Hyperbaric Institute clinic in Colorado.
Through our joint efforts, we can make a difference and have our voices heard in Washington that TBI Veterans have earned the right to HBOT treatment. Feel free to use the attached letters to draft your own resolutions or share within your legislative groups. Larry Arnett has agreed to openly share his letter with our fellow advocates. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me on this very important effort.
We will be working to migrate this effort forward in OK, AZ, and TX along with our states of KY, IN, NC, and FL.
Eric Koleda
National Director-TreatNOW State Legislative Efforts
Director and Founder
502-938-1300 Cell
Key Words: Special Operators, veterans, suicide, athletes, brain health, blast injury, brain injury, brain wound, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, concussion, concussion protocol, Concussion Symptoms, CTE, HBOT, Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy, TBI, TBItreatment, traumatic brain injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD