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Stay put, get happy, says leading workplace consultant
Roxanne Emmerich, CPAE, CMC - The Emmerich Group, Inc. Roxanne Emmerich, CPAE, CMC - The Emmerich Group, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Wednesday, February 3, 2010




Andrea Mitchell



Stay put, get happy, says leading workplace consultant—

or step aside for someone who will

Minneapolis, Minnesota (February 1, 2010) —The recent survey by the Conference Board that finds only 45 percent of Americans satisfied with their jobs is a signal not for a massive change of workplaces, but for a massive change of attitude by American workers, says workplace culture consultant Roxanne Emmerich.

"It's important for workers to stop thinking the grass is greener in the next pasture," says Emmerich. "The answer is not to polish up the résumé and leap into another workplace, but to help build a more positive workplace so you can love the one you're with."

Employee engagement is about more than good feelings. A landmark 2006 study by the Gallup Management Journal estimated that a typical organization loses $3,400 in productivity for every $10,000 of payroll due to disengaged employees. "So while bottom-line troubles are often said to fuel disengagement, it's really the other way around," says Emmerich.

Employers should do everything possible to improve employee engagement, building a culture of celebration and service in which employees feel valued. But if employees are still determined to wallow in complaints, Emmerich says, employers have a ready alternative—the willing, motivated, highly-skilled unemployed.

"If I were unemployed in this market, I would approach potential employers saying, 'Listen, you can ask me to do anything. I'm committed, I'm focused, and you'll never have to put up with whining, complaining, or dishonesty from me.' With engagement numbers at an all-time low, the ability to be an engaged and satisfied employee becomes a marketable skill, and the unemployed can use it to take jobs away from those who don't appreciate them."

About Roxanne Emmerich

Roxanne Emmerich, President and CEO of The Emmerich Group, is renowned for her ability to transform "ho-hum" workplaces into massive results-oriented "bring-it-on" environments. Roxanne is America's most sought-after workplace transformation expert and the author of Thank God It's Monday!: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love. She has consulted and spoken for 20 years to over 3000 of the top performing U.S. companies and most of the financial institutions in the top one percent of performance, was a three-time Entrepreneur of the Year, and has been inducted into the National Speaker's Hall of Fame. Visit the TGIM Media Center at www.ThankGoditsMonday.com/media for additional story angles and credentials. To schedule an interview contact Andrea Mitchell, at 1-952-820-0360 or email Media@EmmerichGroup.com.

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