, a well-known
custom sticker producer located in Colorado, has recently demonstrated exactly how to use stickers and social media to increase buzz, without selling anything.
Social media is all about creating conversation and buzz. However, many companies using Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other forms of social media find this difficult to accomplish without selling. It is important that this be done, however. has given a perfect example of how to accomplish this.
The core of StickerGiant's promotion was a simple sticker – a very small sticker, actually. However, it had big ramifications. The promotion revolved around the release (and subsequent problems with) the new iPhone 4 and dropped calls, so somewhere on the internet our friend
Aaron Draczynski, an engineer at came up with the idea to turn that weakness into a feature. The ingenious little sticker was red, and had only two words on it – "End Call." The picture showed the sticker placed on the metal rim of the phone, exactly where Apple told consumers not to hold it to avoid dropped calls.
In simple terms, the promotion was that the first 50 people to email an address through the website would receive a free iPhone End Call joke sticker. It was posted to Twitter, Facebook and the blog. There was no sales pitch attached – it was a free giveaway that poked fun at a known issue with an enormously popular device.
As you can see, the promotion involved a culturally relevant topic (tens of thousands of people had problems with dropped calls), was conversational in nature, it reached out to a very specific audience – iPhone users, and had nothing to do with sales generation. It also came at almost no cost whatsoever, other than the cost of creating those 50 stickers.
What was the upshot of this promotion? Simply put, it generated enormous buzz and conversation about, but not necessarily about the iPhone. This promotion shows exactly how custom stickers can be integrated into social media, without having to focus on generating immediate sales.
To find out more about custom sticker printing, as well as to learn more about various options available to you, visit
About began in the basement of John Fischer, after he and illustrator Michael Brooks were laid off from dot-com positions. Since 2000, has grown enormously, with 20,000 different products on offer. The company also specializes in creating custom stickers and decals for any need imaginable.
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