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StickerGiant.com Provides Custom Stickers for Pool Dawg, Flat Face Fingerboards and Red Bull Open Ice
John Fischer  - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist John Fischer - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist
Hygiene, CO
Friday, January 28, 2011

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StickerGiant.com, one of the most innovative custom sticker companies in the nation, has produced stickers for Red Bull Open Ice, PoolDawg.com and Flat Face Fingerboards. StickerGiant.com specializes in providing custom printing solutions for innovative, unique companies and individuals.

PoolDawg.com offers 45 brands of pool cues, with an inventory of more than 1,000 cues on hand. They also offer high quality cases for those cues, supplies for billiard lovers and 3,000 different billiard products in all. The company is located in Lafayette, Colorado, and has been a force to reckon with in the industry since 2003.

Flat Face Fingerboards produces miniature toy skateboards that are all the rage. They offer custom skateboards to let your fingers pull off some amazing tricks and stunts. You'll even find that the company offers trucks and wheels so you can customize your finger-skating experience to the nth degree if you want.

StickerGiant.com has also produced custom stickers for Red Bull Open Ice, a program focused on encouraging young players and teaching new players how to enjoy the game and play it outdoors, where it originated. Red Bull has always been a company that focuses on great sports and sports fans, and their Open Ice initiative falls right in line with the company's values.

Red Bull Open Ice is played on frozen lakes and ponds around the world, and features open invitational tournaments that allow anyone at all to enter and have a blast. Global qualifying games will be held during January and February this year, and the winners will head to Minnesota, where they will compete for the ultimate championship in pond hockey, right in the Twin Cities on February 26.

To find out more about custom sticker printing, as well as to learn more about various options available to you, visit http://www.StickerGiant.com.

About StickerGiant.com: StickerGiant.com began in the basement of John Fischer, after he and illustrator Michael Brooks were laid off from dot-com positions. Since 2000, StickerGiant.com has grown enormously, with 20,000 different products on offer. The company also specializes in creating funny stickers and decals for any need imaginable.

Find out more about StickerGiant here:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stickergiant

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stickergiant

Blog: http://www.stickergiant.com/blog/

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Name: John Fischer
Group: StickerGiant.com Inc
Dateline: Longmont, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-774-7900 x 101
Main Phone: 866-774-7900
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