Home > NewsRelease > StickerGiant.com Releases Stunning New Embroidered Patches
StickerGiant.com Releases Stunning New Embroidered Patches
John Fischer  - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist John Fischer - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist
Hygiene, CO
Thursday, March 31, 2011

 StickerGiant.com, a well-known provider of custom stickers and customized printing solutions for companies large and small, has released a series of new embroidered patches. Featuring images from popular culture, both online and off, these patches can be used to enhance bags or jackets, and showcase the company's commitment to quality production, innovation and beauty in design.

One patch released is the Summer of Love patch, designed in red, orange, yellow and blue. The patch design derives from the logo for the 30th anniversary of the Summer of Love, in 1997. A sexy design, this is the perfect way to commemorate the spirit of this movement, whether you were around for the original or not.

Girl Bomb is the second patch released by StickerGiant.com. It features an image from Bansky, the well-known British street artist famed for political statements and satirical images. The patch shows a girl with a ponytail embracing a bomb with both arms, and is done in black and white embroidery for stark relief.

The final patch released recently is Panda with Guns, based on a well-known Internet meme. The design actually has its own dedicated Flickr group. In fact, the image can be found everywhere from Flickr to MySpace, Zazzle and other sites, as well. It features a panda holding two .45 caliber handguns, and is created with black and white embroidery.

StickerGiant.com offers custom creation of embroidered patches, as well as custom stickers and other printing solutions. They're well known for supporting innovative, interesting, diverse companies around the nation and the world, and for creating unique solutions for disparate needs through custom printing.

To find out more about custom sticker printing and funny stickers, as well as to learn more about various options available to you, visit http://www.StickerGiant.com

About StickerGiant.com: StickerGiant.com began in the basement of John Fischer, after he and illustrator Michael Brooks were laid off from dot-com positions. Since 2000, StickerGiant.com has grown enormously, with 20,000 different products on offer. The company also specializes in creating custom stickers and decals for any need imaginable.

Find out more about StickerGiant here:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stickergiant

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stickergiant

Blog: http://www.stickergiant.com/blog/

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Name: John Fischer
Group: StickerGiant.com Inc
Dateline: Longmont, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-774-7900 x 101
Main Phone: 866-774-7900
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