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StickerGiant.com Sponsors Ignite Boulder 13
John Fischer  - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist John Fischer - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist
Hygiene, CO
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

StickerGiant.com, a provider of custom stickers and other printed materials, sponsored Ignite Boulder 13. Held on December the 8th, Ignite Boulder 13 was held at the Boulder Theater, and was a sold-event, as usual. StickerGiant is a proud part of the local community and is committed to helping promote and expand events such as this.

Ignite Boulder is a night of presentations by individuals from throughout the Boulder area, but presentations with a significant twist. Presenters are given a total of 5 minutes to make their point. They might teach, they might inspire, or they might lighten the mood, but all presentations are fast and enjoyable. To help them achieve their goals, presenters are allowed to use 20 slides, which advance automatically every 15 seconds, just to quicken the pace and add to the experience.

Ignite Boulder is an event that happens every two to three months, and has become a very popular phenomenon in the city, drawing audience members from all around the area. In addition, the event is completely run by volunteers and proceeds from all the ticket sales go to charity – the 13th edition of Ignite Boulder saw the proceeds go to the Boulder County Firefighters Association. As a volunteer-run event, Ignite Boulder relies on sponsors to help them out. StickerGiant.com is proud to be one of those sponsors once again.

StickerGiant takes great pride in supporting the community through events like Ignite Boulder, as well as by creating custom stickers for fun, innovative companies in the area (and around the world, as well). The company specializes in creating custom designed stickers for nonprofit organizations, small businesses and even large companies, as well as for events and other promotional needs.

To find out more about custom sticker printing, as well as to learn more about various options available to you, visit http://www.StickerGiant.com

About StickerGiant.com: StickerGiant.com began in the basement of John Fischer, after he and illustrator Michael Brooks were laid off from dot-com positions. Since 2000, StickerGiant.com has grown enormously, with 20,000 different products on offer, such as http://www.stickergiant.com/funny_fun_pg1">funny stickers and bumper stickers. The company also specializes in creating custom stickers and decals for any need imaginable.

Find out more about StickerGiant here:

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/stickergiant

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stickergiant

Blog: http://www.stickergiant.com/blog/

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: John Fischer
Group: StickerGiant.com Inc
Dateline: Longmont, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-774-7900 x 101
Main Phone: 866-774-7900
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