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StickerGiant.com Teaches the Difference between Spot Color and 4-Color Process
John Fischer  - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist John Fischer - StickerGiant.com - Sticker Sociologist
Hygiene, CO
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

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StickerGiant.com, a respected producer of custom stickers, t-shirts, magnets and other printed items, offers valuable information about the differences between spot color and 4-color process. Attaining the results that you require from your custom stickers requires much more than a good design. It means finding the right coloring process.

Spot color is the most affordable solution available. When color is applied without dots or screens, it's referred to as spot or solid color. A basic palette of 14 colors is used to create different shades by mixing ink according to a specific formula developed by Pantone. While spot color is an affordable solution, it does not create high-impact stickers with lots of vibrant color. In addition, the more colors that are added to the sticker, the higher the price climbs.

4-color process is very different. Also referred to as CMYK, this is the best way to create highly detailed, multicolored stickers that match the original artwork as closely as possible. CMYK stands for the four different colors used in the process: cyan, magenta, yellow and black. In this process, the image to be printed is separated into four different colors, one for each of the process colors. These images are then placed on separate plates, inserted into a printing press, and are applied sequentially to the medium, one right after the other.

This process "builds" up the image with different colors. The result is a high quality sticker with lots of vibrant color. While the cost for 4-color process is higher than for spot color, the results are far superior. If you demand the best possible results and a high-impact sticker, then 4-color process is simply the best choice possible.

To find out more about custom sticker printing, as well as to learn more about various options available to you, visit http://www.StickerGiant.com

About StickerGiant.com: StickerGiant.com began in the basement of John Fischer, after he and illustrator Michael Brooks were laid off from dot-com positions. Since 2000, StickerGiant.com has grown enormously, with 20,000 different products on offer. The company also specializes in creating custom stickers and decals for any need imaginable.

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Name: John Fischer
Group: StickerGiant.com Inc
Dateline: Longmont, CO United States
Direct Phone: 303-774-7900 x 101
Main Phone: 866-774-7900
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