It's December, and that means it's time for fruitcake.
Many people love this traditional, rich, holiday treat. It's high time they - and fruitcake - got the respect they deserve.
Nay Sayers' Ridicule Unfounded
Making fun of this winter treat has become a favorite sport in our lifetimes, often by people who have never tried a good, homemade fruitcake.
"Where they see something to ridicule, I see love," said Astrologer Anne, a longtime fruitcake maker who carries on her family's beloved fruitcake baking traditions every December. "I see centuries of tradition, hours of hard work, and a significant financial investment to get the best ingredients."
In Praise Of Fruitcake: Many Benefits
It's time to let go of fruitcake stereotypes and kneejerk putdowns and see fruitcake for what it is.
To start, it's a source of good nutrition and health benefits. The nuts, spices, and chocolate in a good, dark Christmas fruitcake all have been shown to have properties that support health. Also, the colorful candied fruit and the sour and bitter flavors from citrus balance the palate and lift the spirit.
"For many, fruitcake remains a precious gift," said Astrologer Anne. "Just imagine, centuries ago, how special a fruitcake filled with so many fruits, nuts, and spices would have been and how much richness and contentment it would have provided during the lean winter months."
Most of all, fruitcake is love. Tangible love.
"If you're lucky enough to receive a homemade fruitcake, you know the giver loves you very much," Astrologer Anne noted. "Nobody goes to all the expense, time, and painstaking effort to make fruitcake unless it's for love - of family, tradition, and the spirit of giving."
Find Out More, Get Anne's Recipe (And Some Astrology)
Find out more about the pleasures and benefits of fruitcake in Astrologer Anne's latest post, which includes her time-tested family recipe. It's a traditional fruitcake recipe, updated to match family preferences and modern times.
"My recipe is based on a vintage dark Christmas fruitcake recipe from the 1960s, when my mother would make it for us," she explained. "I started making fruitcake as a child, and when I grew up I updated the recipe to make it even richer, more festive, and more flavorful."
Recipe Includes Astrology Of Fruitcake
Sharing her family recipe wouldn't be complete, of course, without a bit of astrology.
"Along with the recipe, you'll find my thoughts on the astrology of fruitcake," said Astrologer Anne. "I think a lot about fruitcake, and astrology, and it seemed only natural to combine these two by telling the conclusions I've come to over the years of making this annual treat."
Get The Fruitcake Recipe Now
You can get Anne's fruitcake recipe now on her Astrologer Anne website:
About Astrologer Anne
Astrologer Anne is Anne Nordhaus-Bike, a longtime professional astrologer and award-winning astrology journalist.
She's also in demand as a speaker and is a frequent and popular guest on radio, where she takes calls from listeners and shares what's in the stars for every astrology sign. Her free horoscopes cover every zodiac sign for devoted readers on her website. The National Women's Hall of Fame honored her accomplishments, adding her to its Wall Of Fame. She is a member of the American Federation of Astrologers.
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