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Strategies for Coping with a Flat Market
Mark Singer -- Retirement Expert Mark Singer -- Retirement Expert
Boston, MA
Friday, December 7, 2012

Mark Singer CFP®
Video Clip: Click to Watch
History has a tendency to repeat itself. To achieve investing success, you need to position yourself so that you're able to benefit when the market goes up. But what do you do in the meantime, when the market is flat?

In terms of the flat markets, history has shown us that you must embrace a different approach to investing than you would if markets were still going up. When markets were constantly rising, it seemed that you could buy virtually any mutual fund or stock, and it would continue to appreciate in value. That's no longer the case.

During flat markets, this buy-and-hold strategy doesn't really work. Instead, you need to be more nimble and make more frequent adjustments in order to achieve your goals. Adding tactical investments to your portfolio is one way to do this. The other strategy is alternative investing. Alternative investments are investments that aren't correlated to the traditional markets—in other words, they move completely independently of the markets. That means that choosing alternative investments can be a good coping strategy when markets are flat.

To learn more about coping with a flat market, watch the following video:


Mark Singer is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional and the author of The Changing Landscape of Retirement—What You Don't Know Could Hurt You. He has been The Retirement Guide to thousands of investors for close to 25 years and is the creator of the Retirement Roadmap and the Financial Organizer System, both of which contribute to a solution to investors' greatest concerns—properly coordinating their financial affairs.

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