Home > NewsRelease > Stray Dog Rescue of a Blind and Deaf Dog:
Stray Dog Rescue of a Blind and Deaf Dog:
Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller Charles Page MD -- Texas-based Surgeon, Author, Storyteller
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nacogdoches, TX
Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Today’s Spoonful of Courage discusses what our family has learned through picking up a blind and deaf puppy, Bart. We’ve learned that God’s grace is made perfect in weakness.

Here’s today’s spoonful of courage. Well a little announcement we
have a new addition to the Page family. No, it’s not a sixth child it’s another dog. And this little dog…
I’ll show you the picture of Bart we’ve named him Bart because like blind Bartimaeus, Bart can’t see.
My oldest daughter, Georgie almost ran over him down the road. We picked him up and he came to the house.
Little did we know that Bart the dog was not only blind, he was also deaf. I just want to tell
you, it’s a challenge having a physically handicapped dog in the house. Now you know dad wanted to take him out behind
the woodshed and put him out of his suffering. But of course
then I would have been living in the woodshed. I want to remind you that
it’s been really crazy. Now we have five kids, four dogs, two cats, and a snake. And blind Bart
is a special little dog. It’s really been interesting. I’ve noticed an interesting observation about this blind
and deaf dog over the past week. You kno, he initially whined and

groped. And he grumbled a lot and couldn’t get around. But over time, we began to notice that
Bart had an acute ability to smell things. In fact his sense of smell
has been amplified probably because of his deafness. Because of his lack of sight, now
blind Bart can go all the way around the house, sniffing. He knows exactly where the food
is. He knows exactly where to go. He’s almost drowned in the pool
several times, but now he’s able to figure out all of those things. It’s funny how that sense of smell
has been more acute, more sensitive, more maximized, because of his loss. You two may be suffering
loss. Maybe it’s a financial loss. Maybe it’s the loss of a loved one or a
fractured relationship. Maybe it’s the loss of health. Whatever it may be I want to
encourage you that you’re not alone. You know it says in Second Corinthians chapter 12
Paul reminds us that God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. It’s funny how God’s
grace works. Isn’t it so often the give all take all God gives us more grace
when we need it. When we lose those things that are precious to us, God somehow begins to give us more
grace. Just like blind Bart that little dog. You know, God gave you more grace.
The funny thing now is that Red and Rico and Doodles, the other dogs now they’vetook uh old blind
Bart in. They’re kind of helping him out instead of growling at him. They understand his
issue. You know I just want to encourage you that if you’re suffering loss today God’s grace
will make up the difference. So whether he delivers you or whether he gives you the power,
the courage, the strength, the equipping, to be able to meet your challenges –keep going. His grace is enough.

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Group: Special Guests
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