Thursday, June 25, 2020
Miss Rose McGee is the founder of the Sweet Potato Comfort Pie Project. She started baking after the Ferguson tragedy and hasn’t stopped since.
McGee encouraged people to bake a sweet potato pie and present it to someone they don’t know as a way to honor Juneteenth. She was poised, beautiful, dedicated, and fierce. She expresses her activism through baking. It is a way to comfort those in sorrow or provoke new thinking.
I bake very well and I like sharing my gift of baking. McGee’s recipe inspires me. It is DELICIOUS and her back story is fascinating.
I baked a couple of pies using her receipt. I thought hard about who I could give a pie to act as an influencer. Ultimately, I decided to give one of the sweet potato pies to the Plymouth, Minnesota Police Department. Even though I’ve lived in Plymouth for 30 years, I never learned about their attitudes toward race.
I did some research and decided to contact my local Chief of Police for more in-depth information on their commitments to racial justice. All because of Miss Rose and her “eyes on the pies.”
There are many creative ways to influence others to take action. Even using your talents to bake a Sweet Potato Pie.