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Take the GDPR Quiz. Get your GDPR Score.
The Privacy Rights Council The Privacy Rights Council
Washington, DC
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Take the GDPR Quiz. Get your GDPR Score.
 The GDPR is a new regulation of the EU that affects many companies worldwide.
The regulation will come into force in May, 2018.  
This test explores how it will affect you, reviews a number of suggested security actions
and will soon offer referrals to providers who can help.
Click to take the test here:  www.GDPRQuiz.com

Mission Statement:

The problem is privacy standards in the USA are broken and out of date.

We advocate worldwide standards -- like the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that will be legally required on May 25, 2018 -- it will affect most internet sites that are available in the UK and Europe. 

Our impact is better policy to serve the interests of all intenet users, our members and sponsors.

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Name: Mitchell Davis
Group: Privacy Rights Council
Dateline: Washington, DC United States
Direct Phone: 202-333-5000
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