Friday, February 2, 2024
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Jim Beach Interviews Tamim Hamid, author of 'Grow it Back: How Laser Phototherapy Stops Hair Loss and Regrows Your Hair.' The best and safest advancement in treating hair loss and hair regrowth is Laser Phototherapy (LPT), which has no side effects and is eight times more powerful than any drug. Former NASA scientist, Tamim Hamid (Pronounced Tuh-MEEM), crafted Grow It Back as the first and only book to cover all aspects of laser treatment for hair loss sufferers. Tamim references extensive clinical studies and translates decades of research into easy-to-grasp terms so anyone can appreciate the benefits of this technology. Already a number one bestseller on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, Grow It Back serves as a benchmark for understanding all aspects of hair. Through research, development, and innovation, Grow It Back educates readers about the advantages of using LPT over all other types of treatments. It’s a step-by-step guide on how to stop and regrow hair by utilizing the tremendous benefits of LPT.. His research is translated into practice with the use of Laser Phototherapy devices such as the Theradome wearable laser helmet.About Tamim Hamid:Sayyid Tamim Hamid, received undergraduate and graduate degrees in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and biomedical engineering. Tamim designed and implemented innovative tools at NASA to improve astronaut safety and efficiency in space shuttle operations. His professional history includes growing the revenue of multimillion dollar international corporations and serving as senior executive in companies that were sold to GE Medical and Johnson & Johnson. Tamim used his laser knowledge, fine-tuned at NASA, and combined it with his driving passion for helping others to pursue a lifelong mission in the field of hair loss and restoration. He is now one of the world’s leading experts. Tamim lives with his wife of thirty-three years outside San Francisco, CA. In his rare free time, he enjoys tending to his olive orchard and pressing artisanal dipping olive oil.
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- Hair Growth