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TeamChildren donates computers to We Can Do Better
Robert Toporek --  TeamChildren - Youth Charity Robert Toporek -- TeamChildren - Youth Charity
Philadelphia, PA
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

La’Keia Williams, executive director of We Can Do Better, thanks TeamChildren’s founder and president Robert Toporek for the two
 AUDUBON, PA — June 12, 2013 — TeamChildren, a nonprofit based in Audubon, PA, now has over 1,000 high quality, low cost refurbished computers to distribute to families, schools and organizations throughout the region. TeamChildren is expanding its efforts by donating two computers to We Can Do Better, a nonprofit organization in Philadelphia serving low-income families in the region. These computers will go directly into the hands of children in need.

The process of receiving a computer is as simple as 1, 2, 3. The recipient writes a letter explaining why they need a computer or laptop and how it will help their family. They include either a $50.00 deposit or the full amount. On the day they pick up their computer, they pay the balance and volunteer for about an hour and happily return home with their computer pre-loaded with educational programs and ready to be plugged in. The computers range from an administrative fee anywhere from $75.00 to $200.00. To receive an application, a person just needs to call their office at 610-666-1795 or download one online at www.teamchildren.com.

This summer, We Can Do Better's executive director La'Keia Williams said that all of their efforts will be focused on education while school is out of session.

"These computers," said president and founder Robert Toporek, "come loaded with extremely effective learning software that will help each recipient expand their knowledge."

Awe Learning in Chester, PA and Brillkids, a Hong Kong based software developer, donated more than $500,000 worth of learning software that is loaded onto each computer it distributes. Both companies have partnered with TeamChildren because of its demonstrated success having distributed more than 11,000 refurbished computers reaching more than 50,000 children.

According to Williams, during the summer, "These children have no way of learning." Williams said, "These computers will help educate them."

Most of the computers at TeamChildren go to women raising children alone without any financial support and children with developmental challenges. Kids previously only dreaming of owning a computer can now sit in the comfort of their homes learning to read, to do math, to study science and to develop the technology skills necessary to be effective in the 21st century. Many computer recipients are now finishing their homework on time, doing research, finding jobs, applying for college and scholarships and even staying in touch with their friends.

About TeamChildren
TeamChildren is a small, nonprofit organization making a huge difference in the educational futures of children. Its mission is to create replicable programs to ensure every child has the tools and opportunities they need to contribute and compete effectively in today’s rapidly changing digital global environment. Its goal is to prevent the achievement gap and transform it into new educational and economic opportunities for our recipients.

For more information, contact Samantha Schwartz by email (teamchildren@gmail.com) or phone (484-459-3154).

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Robert Toporek
Title: President/founder
Group: TeamChildren
Dateline: Audobon, PA United States
Direct Phone: 610-666-1795
Cell Phone: 484-744-1868
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