Sunday, January 19, 2025
Ten Ways to validate your success with ExpertClick. --- Draft….
1) Add your e-mail opt-in to your news releases. Send our inquires to a different e-mail and tag as from us so you can tell which ones we bring to you. Ask us to send a history file of your news releases, for you can then re-issue the ones with great concepts.
2) Pick up Google Analytics to track keywords your page is found on.
3) Limit your news releases on outbound link and use to validate and count links.
4) Add your HTML from you Google AdSense account to run Google ads, then count both the ad impressions and clicks -- best part about is the revenue you'll make on the clicks.
5) Use your Daybook event invitation link to invite people to your events, builds both your inbound link, and prompts others to link to you.
6) Keep track of your inbound links – they are a key way that search engines like Google rate sites for top search presentation. You can see who links to you with tools at (and see who links to your competitors – to find new sites to contact for links. See our site: for more info.
7) Value your click through count at for your organic results can easily be compared to the the pay-per-click ads others are spending money on.
a. See who else is spending how much.
b. See what other words they are using.
c. …. And most importantly see how they are using conversion steps to fill their sales funnel.
d. Check the keywords in the headlines that you've already used at KeyWord Spy to find other related Keywords, and perhaps you'll see a relationship between the unique high-value keywords you use, and their value as judged by what others pay to promote.
8) Everything you do should be to engage and prompt visitors to your news releases and web page to surrender their e-mail address – yes, clearly offer bait, you now lay out the salt lick, to ensure you can get back to them.
9) Sniff every e-mail opt in and triage them for general reply vrs' custom networking reply. When you create a dialog with the e-mail of those you attract and validate as ExpertClick gained opt-in you can move the best leads up your sales funnel.
10) Know your sales funnel and know the steps to move people up the funnel – for if you are attracting people to your lists – and one participant told me he's getting 500 opens on each e-newsletter he sends out – so he's got the eyeballs of good leads seeing his stuff again and again.
11) Push those e-mails into search, and find out who they are – Salesforce has integrated as to their platform, and simply put you can find out who is who, or hire a research firm to reverse out who is who from the e-mails. Yes, we can get done for you, and most often tag those e-mails back to LinkedIN or other social media profiles, but the decision of who you want to engage has to yours, for that's what social means. – You can't offshore your social media, for it has to be you.
12) ????