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Thank God It’s MONDAY! New Book From FT Press, Helping to Transform People and Profits One Workplace at a Time
Roxanne Emmerich, CPAE, CMC - The Emmerich Group, Inc. Roxanne Emmerich, CPAE, CMC - The Emmerich Group, Inc.
Minneapolis, MN
Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Thank God It?s MONDAY!

New Book From FT Press, Helping to Transform People and Profits

One Workplace at a Time

In today?s tough economic climate businesses?big changes are necessary. In fact, fun is not frivolous in business?it?s necessary to prosper. And fun and celebration is necessary now. With the layoffs that are occurring, those remaining have twice the work and half the friends?and they?re frozen in fear.

That fear, instead of the joy of celebrating massive results that are focused on customer success, is the new game?and the one that is helping those in tough industries pull ahead of the competitors and have record setting quarters and years in times when everybody else has ?bought into? the recession, according to Roxanne Emmerich, a 20-year management and workplace consultant. She is finding the majority of her clients are having record quarters right now because she?s showing them how to focus on making their customers successful instead of satisfied.

Emmerich is the author of the newest best-selling business book, , Thank God It?s Monday!: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love (FT Press; May 2009) www.ThankGoditsMonday.com and proclaims it is not only possible to have employees who say ?Thank God It?s Monday,? it?s critical to a company?s survival.

In her new book, Roxanne Emmerich tells the tale of two businesses, one desperately struggling to stay afloat, and the other thriving. What?s the key to the one?s success and the other?s failure? ? People, attitude, values, leadership ? as Roxanne notes, ?companies that know how to have fun make more money.?

Emmerich outlines a game plan for revitalizing companies that are having the life sucked out of them by ?energy vampires? within their midst; providing a step-by-step roadmap to jumpstarting positive change and success; replacing dysfunctional organizational behaviors with passion and creativity, and making vision and values actually work by thinking big and making big things happen.

Thank God It?s Monday! addresses a broad range of workplace issues that cause stress and dissention which often results in customers heading for the hills. Among the many key topics covered are:

? 7 Secrets of a Thank God It?s Monday! Workplace

? Initiating change that ?Rocks Your World? ? in a good way!

? Giving employees permission to be extraordinary ? leadership is not a position, it?s a way of being

? Creating an atmosphere where everyday is a celebration

? Busting ?baditudes? ? dealing with whiners, gossips, bullies, excuse-makers, divas, and saboteurs

? Ten workplace conflicts that disrupt organizations?and the cure for each

? Turning your workplace from a place of employment to a place of enjoyment

Roxanne also focuses much needed attention on the principles of good business ? values, accountability, trust ? and teaches employees and their managers how to not to lose that ?new job feeling? of enthusiasm, commitment, and endless possibility. Thank God It?s Monday! is rich with proven examples that can transform a negative workplace into a ?bring-it-on? results-oriented organization filled with people who play to win ? and do!

About the Author

Roxanne Emmerich, a past executive in the banking industry and leading consultant to that industry and others came to the conclusion that fun was not only possible in the workplace, it was essential. Today she is one of the most in-demand transformation agents with clients like Lockheed, Merck, EDS, Allianz and others from small to large. As President and CEO of the Emmerich Group, Inc. she has consulted with most of the top one percent of performers amongst financial institutions, and hundreds of other industry leaders. A National Speaker Hall of Fame inductee, she is noted by Sales and Marketing Management magazine as one of the most requested speakers in the nation for her ability to transform negative workplace performance and environments into ?bring it on? result-oriented cultures.

Emmerich has published hundreds of articles in leading industry publications on topics including leadership, culture transformation, and strategic planning. A three-time Entrepreneur of the Year, she served as a key advisor to former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson, and as Editor-In-Chief of Extraordinary Banker magazine. She is regularly called on for interviews by CNN, CBS, and radio and TV stations throughout the country for her business insights.

About FT Press

FT Press (www.ftpress.com), an imprint of Pearson, publishes high-quality books in the areas of General Business, Finance and Investing, Sales and Marketing, Leadership, Management and Strategy, Human Resources, and Global Business. Our brand is built on the concept of signing and publishing the world?s best minds on the most relevant topics.

About Pearson

Pearson (NYSE:PSO), the global leader in education and education technology, reaches and engages today?s digital natives with effective and personalized learning, as well as dedicated professional development for their teachers. This commitment is demonstrated in the company?s investment in innovative print and digital education materials for preK through professional learning, student information systems and learning management systems, teacher development, career certification programs, and testing and assessment products that set the standard for the industry. The company?s respected brands include Scott Foresman, Prentice Hall, Addison Wesley, Benjamin Cummings, the Stanford Achievement Test, the Wechsler family of assessments, SuccessNet, MyLabs, PowerSchool, SuccessMaker, and many others. Pearson?s comprehensive offerings help inform targeted instruction and intervention so that success is within reach of every student at every level of education. Pearson?s commitment to education for all is supported by the global charitable giving initiatives of the Pearson Foundation. Pearson?s other primary businesses include the Financial Times Group and the Penguin Group. For more information, go to www.pearson.com.


Thank God It?s Monday!: How to Create a Workplace You and Your Customers Love

By Roxanne Emmerich

FT Press; Publication Date: May 2009

Hardcover; 192 pages

ISBN 10: 0138158053 ISBN 13: 9780138158057



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Name: DIna Simon
Title: Vice President
Group: The Emmerich Group, Inc.
Dateline: Naples, FL United States
Direct Phone: 952-820-0360
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