Tuesday, March 1, 2016
I have been involved in politics for over 50 years—as a voter, campaigner and writer.
I have never seen anything like the shenanigans being practiced by today's political operatives—the marketers of the candidates—and their handmaidens in the media.
In 1969 I joined John V. Lindsay's re-election campaign for mayor of New York and was assigned to ride in the campaign car of Lindsay's controller candidate, Fioravante (Fred) Perrotta.
For 2-1/2 months during the Republican Primary, I spent evenings and weekends driving all over the 305 square miles of the city of New York. My job: Finding pay telephones and men's rooms for Freddie while he speechified and pressed the flesh.
The one thing I learned about the marketing of aspirants for political office:
The candidates are the stars of show. Our job was to stay in the deep shadows and do everything possible to help them achieve center stage and shine.
Back then, there were:
No 24/7-cable news. No cellphones. No computers.
No Twitter. No Interviews with campaign directors.
No media blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah-blah.
Fast-forward 47 years. A sampling from the 2016 media:
• Picture caption from The New York Times front page Feb 23, 2016:
Behind Ted Cruz's
Campaign Manager,
Scorched Earth and
Election Victories
Jeff Roe, Ted Cruz's campaign manager, answered reporters' questions after the Republican presidential debate in Charleston, S.C., this month. —Matt Flegenheimer
• [John] Podesta, who is actually the chairman of the Clinton campaign, was put forward by the campaign to face off against Bernie Sander's senior adviser Tad Devine during a spin room interview with Chris Matthews. —Brent Scher, The Washington Free Beacon
• After Rubio underperforms tonight, they'll roll out 5 lobbyist endorsements tomorrow & call it momentum. —John Weaver Tweet
Kasich Senior Strategist (author of 30,900 Tweets)
• "South Carolina is going to be important because it's going to be the commander-in-chief primary there," [Maxwell] Kochel [Bush's Chief Strategist] told Business Insider. "You've got 25% of the state [that] is military or veteran. We have the support of Lindsey Graham and we have a strong organization. I think this race is going to narrow."
—Maxwell Tani, Business Insider
The above are examples of how campaign officials no longer operate in secrecy. Instead they fall all over themselves and the media to achieve personal recognition and kudos.
The media want scoops, exclusives, gossip and—above all—ratings. With hours and hours of airtime to fill and unlimited print space on the Internet, these so-called journalists are desperate to make news rather than report it.
They are also wrecking the political process.
A direct marketing analogy
Imagine having a client whose business is selling a gold bracelet and charms on a continuity basis. What is the optimum selling price for the bracelet and each charm?
Obviously you test.
Imagine going out the marketplace and announcing you are testing gold charms at $9.99, $19.99 and $29.99. Plus another test of free vs. paid shipping and handling.
The concept is preposterous!
Same thing with politics
By revealing the insider discussions and campaign strategy to print and broadcast journalists, these gonzo marketers are gleefully bragging to the world how clever they are manipulating the candidates.
And worse, instead of concentrating on message, candidates are seen to be manipulating the electorate.
Trust and believability are down the toilet.
The Tale of the Tweet and Why
Donald Trump Is Kicking Rump
Back in 1973 Twitter did not exist. Today everybody tweets.
Current campaign tweets by the numbers (as of 02-22-16)
Tweeter Number of Tweets
Hillary Clinton 4,328
6 Clinton Staffers 8,058
Bernie Sanders 6,087
Tad Devine, Senior Advisor 625
Jeb Bush 3,990
7 Bush Staffers 61,834
Dr. Ben Carson 2,852
2 Carson Staffers 15,193
Ted Cruz 14,300
9 Cruz Staffers 71,324
John Kasich 7,180
2 Kasich Staffers 45,400
Marco Rubio 5,022
10 Rubio Staffers 32,834
Donald Trump 30,900
National Spokesperson
Katrina Pierson 36,400
2 Additional Trump Staffers 385
Why is Trump way out in front?
Quite simply the candidate and his highly professional Campaign Spokesperson are controlling the messages. No insecure weenies hungering for recognition are muddying the waters. The Trump campaign is simple, unscripted, deeply personal and powerful. With the candidate himself very much in charge.
Sure the outspoken Trump could drop an inadvertent IED and blow himself to hell.
But he will not be sunk like a skunk by a punk Communications Director named Rick Tyler over a vicious misleading video attacking Marco Rubio. Tyler was axed the following day, leaving the Ted Cruz campaign a shambles.
Takeaway to Consider:
• "A's hire A's. B's hire C's."
—Donald Rumsfeld, Rumsfeld's Rules
• Don't let B's and C's speak or write in your behalf and wreck your show.
P.S. What Triggered This Release
Below is the text of a preview message to the 1,186 readers with whom I have corresponded over the past 22 years.
You are invited to take advantage of this no-risk, no obligation offer.
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
SUBJECT LINE: A personal invitation from Denny Hatch
Hi [First Name],
Since we last corresponded, I have retired as a regular columnist for Target Marketing. I'm on my own now with a fascinating iron in the fire.
This is a quick note to invite you take a free look at the first 2 chapters of the marketing book I had the most fun researching and writing.
It is being published for the first time in a Kindle edition.
In this truly unusual election cycle, an amazing number of self-proclaimed outsiders have announced for the presidency.
This story is about marketing the ultimate anti-establishment outsider who ran for mayor of New York in the 1973 election. The title:
How the Mafia Marketed a Candidate
To Become the Mayor of New York City
The price: $2.99.
Book critics loved it. I hope you will too.
A sampling:
Looking beyond this gripping, brawling narrative there
undoubtedly is an exciting movie in the future. Meanwhile,
here's a worthwhile experience in reading entertainment.
—Cleon Walfoort, The Milwaukee Journal
"The Fingered City" is a gripping narrative, from the opening
moments when Page is snatched to a New Jersey hideout
where he's told he may be the next mayor of New York,
through the wild, brawling scramble for votes over the
length and breadth of the sprawling, filthy city, right up
to the climax, so shocking, so explosive the reader will
never again look at a politician the same light."
—George Near, Abilene (Texas) Reporter News
The idea of organized crime getting a hand-picked
candidate elected mayor of New York City via a secret
$10 million programmed effort is frightening. The question
is: is it possible? It's almost impossible to decide for yourself
until AFTER you finish this book because excellent writing by
the author in his character portraits and story line demand
nonstop readership. The story is good, a winner. It has
movie possibilities written all over it.
—Dudley Lehew, Associated Press
Readers may find themselves going back for a second,
sober thought on some passages and chapters, so true does
the Hatch argument ring. The entire proposition, and his
handling of it, make a highly entertaining, topical package.
—Robert A. McLean, The Boston Globe
Go The Fingered City—http://tinyurl.com/jseko3y—and then click on the cover where it says, "Look Inside." Up will pop a couple of chapters so you can judge it for yourself.
I think you'll really like it.
Thanks so much for your time.
Denny Hatch
200 West Washington Square, #3007
Philadelphia, PA 19106
215/644-5426 (rings on my desk)