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The Adventures of Larry Leptin™ Cartoon Series Brings You Important Health Information with a Side of Humor
Byron J. Richards_ Thyroid Leptin and Nutrition Expert Byron J. Richards_ Thyroid Leptin and Nutrition Expert
Minneapolis, MN
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Defending Your Right to be Healthy
Video Clip: Click to Watch
America's food supply is under GMO assault and the FDA has begun a new era of human experimentation. America is in dire need of a new super hero – and he has arrived. Wellness Resources Inc. presents Larry Leptin, defending your right to be healthy.

"The American food supply is under attack by mega-chemical and agri-industrial companies. The average American is either oblivious or feels completely powerless to stop this from occurring. It is our job as health educators and protectors to hold these companies responsible and raise awareness" says founder of Wellness Resources and clinical nutritionist, Byron J. Richards, "that is why we created the character and this animation."

Richards discusses the major health concerns with GMO foods, the sly entry of GMOs into our food supply, and the permissive viewpoint of our government regulators in his latest article Monsanto's Toxic and Mutated World – Is Sugar Safe to Eat? He notes that "the bizarre alteration of the essence of food itself by splicing viral, bacterial, and other life forms into the DNA of food (GMO seeds and crops) is extremely problematic to human health". In the article, Richards also strongly encourages Americans to stand up for their health and to take action. He furthers his message in the animated Halloween video on www.LarryLeptin.com.

This website, www.LarryLeptin.com, and the animated series bring a creative approach to raising awareness by adding satire and entertainment to illustrate serious health issues. With heroes, villains and battles, Larry Leptin™ invites you to become a hero by doing your part and getting involved. Enjoy the first episode, Larry Leptin in a witty Halloween video which highlights the Monsanto's Genuity GMO Sugar Beet that has silently found its way into our food supply.

The Larry Leptin™ creators, Mary and Byron Richards, are leading advocates for health freedom. Byron Richards is the author of Fight for Your Health – a stunning expose into the secret world of the FDA, Wall Street and drug companies. His free bi-weekly e-newsletter features the latest breaking news concerning your health. To subscribe and for more information on how you can stay healthy visit: www.wellnessresources.com/store/newsletter.php

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Title: Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist
Group: Wellness Resources
Dateline: Minneapolis, MN United States
Direct Phone: 952-929-4575
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