Are you Searching for your Perfect Lifepartner and Soulmate?
Are you Hoping to transform your Live-in Love or Marriage?
Do you wonder What and Who needs to change to have a GREAT LOVE STORY that lasts a Lifetime?
Enjoy these Questions & Answers from my “Ask the Love & Relationship” columns for Santa Barbara Family Life magazine
For 25 years I’ve taught people just like you how to turn up the heat on love and passion and turn down the fighting to recreate LOVE
When even 1 partner learns these communication skills
Love, intimacy, dating, romance, marriage, living together, parenting, and even peaceful divorce and co-parenting are the results of compassionate communication skills and The 6 Part Conversation©.
Heartspace® works and if you’re looking for great passion and joy, inner peace and cooperation, or co-parenting peace. Heartspace works for you and your family. The Heartspace skills described in each of these columns are easy to follow and duplicate and you can create miracles because only one partner needs to learn this.
The Best of Ask the Love & Relationship Coach for You
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