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The Brilliant Sign I Saw In Yosemite This Week
Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert Val Wright -- Global Leadership and Innovation Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Los Angeles, CA
Monday, April 11, 2022


Have you ever said “yes of course” when secretly wondering how you would actually be able to make It happen?

Perhaps you are highly optimistic and want to impress those around you so “let’s do it” comes out of your mouth at the same time as your brain telling you that you are crazy to commit to it. That new product launch in record time, that off the charts customer request, that analysis and research that seems impossible…You are not alone in your willingness to overstate what is possible. 

When we arrived at our campsite in Yosemite National Park last week we were handed an information packet that included safety instructions for those wishing to recreate the Free Solo movie or for those hoping to conquer the famous Half Dome hiking trail. 

In addition to those tedious monotonous safety instructions about bears, the cold, and swimming in rivers, this brilliant notice caught my eye:

“Don’t let your brain write a check that your body cannot cash”

Now I know that checks ( or cheques) around the world might be diminishing in their use in favor of faster technical payment solutions… but the quote was just too good not to share!

I get it. ambition, bravado, group pressure, your own image of what you can achieve….can all cause you to have a heightened sense of what you can achieve whether you are deciding which hiking trail to take or which projects, initiatives, or additional work you decide to say yes to. 

But how do you know when your ambitions are realistic or just plain crazy?

This quote might be the ultimate test of how Thoughtfully Ruthless you are. Do you have the time, energy, and resources to make your goals happen?

What are you saying yes to that is tiring out your team or causing them to say yes because you haven’t figured out how to help them say no?

Do you feel the tension that you believe your company and team can achieve the equivalent of conquering a mountain like California’s Half Dome when your team might be dubious, doubtful, or downright scared?

… perhaps it’s time to ask them how they really feel about your aspirations? -truth telling isn’t easy when you have a boss with grand visions and ambitions!

Does your company have a culture that allows people to comfortably say “that isn’t possible and here is why…”

…maybe it is time to evaluate your plans and make sure your team are behind you, or feel free to tell you exactly what is possible. 

…perhaps you have underestimated your team. 

…perhaps your team doesn’t know what they can truly achieve

…perhaps there are new capabilities that you need to add

…perhaps there are people in your company that don’t understand WHY you think your company can achieve what you can see

…perhaps there are mismatched employees that aren’t in the right role for the future 

Perspective is a beautiful thing especially when you have just spent 5 days unplugged camping on the valley floor below ancient 3,000 ft rock formations millions of years old. 

If you ever get to stand at the base of mountains like El Capitan and see small dots on the cliff face of people camping on the side of the mountain. It shifts your perspective of what is truly possible. (Watch the movie Free Solo to get a glimpse!)

You just have to have those around you understand it and believe in it. 

You can’t brute-force belief. First comes understanding. So spend some time this week testing the understanding of your team. 

Can they see the same mountain as you and are they as equally excited at the prospect of conquering it?

Enjoy the journey. The views are spectacular.

Dedicated to growing your business,


P.S. I hope you enjoyed this week's VAL-uable Insights, sign up here to get them in your inbox each Monday morning: http://valwrightconsulting.com/newsletter-sign-up/

  Val Wright is a recognized leadership and organization expert. Working with Xbox, Microsoft, Amazon and LinkedIn, she has spent the last 20 years partnering with executives to accelerate growth and gain market superiority across the the games, technology, retail and e-commerce industries.

She is know for telling leaders what they need to hear, not what they want to hear. Leaders seek her out when they need to accelerate their business results, build organizations, develop leaders and create world-class people strategies. Val is a dynamic speaker who will provoke, inspire and provide immediate value to your audience. She has been quoted in Fast Company, E-commerce times, Yahoo.com, Aol.com, usnews.com, NJ.com, TheNetworkJournal.com and TechNerwsWorld.com.

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