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The Emotional Impact of COVID-19 -- An Early Read
Ellen Sills-Levy  --  ESL INSIGHTS, LLC. Ellen Sills-Levy -- ESL INSIGHTS, LLC.
New York, NY
Wednesday, April 8, 2020



The Emotional Impact of COVID-19 -- An Early Read



1. Fear is the overriding sentiment among those we interviewed.

   * This is even true of those who say they are "fine*

   * At the moment, they are worried more about their own personal health and safety – and

that of their family and friends – than about the economic impact of COVID-19

2. The need to Shelter in Place and for Social Distancing has caused Disruption in most

people's Daily Lives

   * They are yearning for a better time when they are able to meet face-to-face with family,

friends and work colleagues.

3. The social support of Friends & Family is of primary importance

   * Technology has been adopted by people of all ages in keeping social channels open

   * Though it's also recognized as not being a true replacement for in-person contact and

human touch

4. Most are Adapting surprisingly well to "stay at home"

  * Almost all recognize the need to protect themselves and society and are willing to do

what it takes

5. Most express Gratitude for the things they do have, especially their health

  * They also express concern for those less fortunate and would like to help

6. Most are looking forward to A Better Future

  * Many express hope that this crisis will result in a more just and better world

  * They also envision themselves making positive changes in their lives


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Ellen Sills-Levy
Dateline: New York, NY United States
Direct Phone: 917.863.7941
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