Flu & Cold Facts, Fiction,
*D-TOX/Nutrition & You!
What you and your family need to know.
Dr. Michael Wald, CDN, DC, MS – Director of Longevity
at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco, P.C. 914-242-8844
www.intmedny.com / www.BloodDetective.com
· The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tell us that flu season extends from October to April. Influenza virus or the flu virus flourishes in cold, dry weather.
· The flu virus has an outer covering that allows it to literally “fly through the air” more easily in winter than summer – from person to person, from as far as six feet away.
· Space theory says that you are more likely to get the flu in winter because people tend to stay home more.
· Children are less hygienic than adults and are inherently in closer physical relationships to each other.
CDC Flu Vaccination Limitations…
According to the CDC (Center of Disease Control) website these are the LIMITATIONS of the studies of flu vaccination…
“…flu vaccination status was based on self or parental report and not validated with medical records…” – This means that statistics regarding the flu vaccination are based on mental recall and not controlled, scientific studies.
“…differences in survey methodology (e.g., different sampling frame, survey design, exact survey question wording, response rates and weighting) may result in different levels of bias…” In other words, “shaky-ground” again!
“…Previous years included people with asthma, diabetes, or heart disease; this report expanded that definition to include those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or cancers other than skin cancer…” Changes in who and who is not included in flu statistics – may not be relevant to you!
Dr. Wald’s D-TOX*/Nutrition Tips
for Flu & Cold Season