Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Excel Giveaway
Last month we gave away an advanced investment template. The template generates random interest rates from month to month within a user defined range.
Stay tuned for more eNewsletter giveaways like this in the future!
Don't forget to follow Othniel Denis Principal of Excellent Ones Consulting LLC on Twitter (
@OthnielDenis) for daily Excel tips and best practices.
White Paper: 5 Reasons Businesses Fail & How Excel Can Help!
A few years ago when the entrepreneurship bug bit me I took a few small business start-up workshops offered by my Graduate school. During one of the seminars the speaker asked the audience to list the biggest risks associated with a business. The audience rattled off various dangers and obstacles that promote a business's demise. After a silence that seemed like an eternity he said "I submit that the biggest reason for failure, the biggest risk...is you the business owner!" Very often we as human beings delegate errors or failures to factors outside of ourselves. However, acknowledging that we are the reason for failures is the first step to taking corrective measures. The following are several traditional reasons for business failures and a small sample of ways Excel can be used to mitigate those failures.
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http://www.excellentones.com/resources/5-Reasons.html Tip: Autofil
Microsoft Excel has countless shortcuts and time saving features. One very useful time saving feature is the Autofill feature. Think of autofill as the helpful spouse that finishes your sentences or the GPS (Global Positioning System) that outlines your destination. Autofill continues a pattern into adjacent cells.
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http://excellentones.com/resources/AutoFill.html Article: Your Company Can't Survive Without Professional Development: 3 Cost Effective
We are huge advocates of professional development not just Microsoft Excel but many other areas. The following article by Othniel Denis appeared in HR/NY Connections detailed cost effective professional development approaches.
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http://excellentones.com/articles.html P.S. Send questions and share comments at
Info@excellentones.com. Feel free to share this enewsletter, remember sharing is caring.