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The Great Growing Up: Being Responsible for Humanity’s Future named the 2013 Grand Prize Winner for Non-Fiction Books
John Renesch --  The Sustainability Futurist John Renesch -- The Sustainability Futurist
San Francisco, CA
Thursday, May 23, 2013

2013 Grand Prize Winner for Non-Fiction Next Generation Indie Book Awards
The Great Growing Up: Being Responsible for Humanity?s Future named the 2013 Grand Prize Winner for Non-Fiction Books

May 23, 2013

The Next Generation Indie Books Awards has named The Great Growing Up: Being Responsible for Humanity?s Future the 2013 Grand Prize Winner for Non-Fiction. The Award will be presented to the author, John Renesch, at a gala dinner on the evening of May 29th at The Harvard Club in New York City.

Renesch has published 14 books, this being his most recent, and hundreds of articles almost exclusively on the subject of organizational or social transformation. A seasoned businessman-turned-futurist based in San Francisco, Renesch does not follow trends to predict future events; rather he challenges the status quo and envisions better futures. His writing provokes new behaviors and attitudes so as to evoke a future most human beings long for.

Here are some of advance endorsements the book received:

?John Renesch is not only a smart man, but also a wise one. The Great Growing Up offers a conscious choice for the kind of future we want to create and the role we each want to play in bringing it about. Don't just read this book--do it!"

?Alan M. Webber, cofounder, Fast Company magazine

"With so many of us struggling, we all need a vision of hope that looks at life, business and the dark side of human behavior right in the eye. That's what John Renesch does in this provocative, comprehensive guide to the future --- and our role in constructing it.?

?Patricia Aburdene, author, Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism

?In The Great Growing Up John Renesch has brought together an impressive range of sources to provide a readable overview of our prospects for a renewed civilization. He manages to capture the essence of many concepts and ideas and to make them accessible. You don?t need a Ph.D. to read this book ? merely an open mind and a willing spirit.?

? Richard Slaughter, futurist, Foresight International, Brisbane, Australia

?In his new book ? The Great Growing Up ? John Renesch challenges us with authority, humanity, energy and optimism, to address the key issues facing society today, both globally and personally ? and these two dimensions are closely linked. It is full of valuable insights, as well as being a call to action. These messages need urgent attention if we are to survive this century, let alone see a better world in the years ahead. Time is not on our side.?

? Bruce Lloyd, Emeritus Professor, London South Bank University

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: John Renesch
Title: Futurist, author, keynote speaker
Group: Renesch Advisory Services
Dateline: San Francisco, CA United States
Direct Phone: 415-437-6974
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