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The HealthCare Mandate, ObamaCare, Your Taxes: Health Meets Wealth
Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D. -- Laughter is Good Medicine
Southfield, MI
Friday, January 4, 2013


The HealthCare Mandate, Obamacare, & Your Taxes: Health meets Wealth

Teleseminar:   Thursday, 1.10.13

Host:              Dr. Cynthia Sehlby-Lane, MD

Guests:           Dr. Lonnie Joe,  Jr, MD

                        William J. Mosley, CPA, Esq.

Time:              8 PM eastern (time.gov)

Subject:   "Seven Things You Need to Know About the Tax Deal"

On January 1, 2013 Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives joined the Senate in passing the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.

What will that mean for you, your family, your business and your employees?

I had an in depth conversation with my accountant today, just to get a clearer understanding of the new tax deal. I also had a conversation with a colleague/physician who has lived much of his medical career on Capitol Hill. Two experts with expert knowledge. Not just opinion.

Then I got a message from the White house about the "Seven Things You Need to Know About the Tax Deal" and that's when I had even more questions.

On Thursday, July 10th, 2013 at 8 PM eastern (www.time.gov), I have the pleasure of discussing this topic in detail with my guests, William J Mosley, CPA, ESQ, and Dr. Lonnie Joe, MD.

Here are my thoughts: What does this tax deal mean for you? Are you unemployed, uninsured, fully-insured, DISABLED, on Medicare, a college student, a parent with minor dependents, married, married with an extended family, a RETIREE, an employee (part-time or full-time), self-employed, employer, a small business owner, a large business owner, or the very wealthy 2%. (HA)

In addition:

What happens to your investment income? How much will families making 50,000 or more have to pay?

What is the deal with an income of $250,000 and the $400,000/450,000 mandate for income and taxes?

Will this measure really help you and the United States deficit?

How will your paycheck look in three months? Next week?

Will you have to pay more for groceries and college?

With respect to your taxes, what can you still deduct?

What deductions were eliminated?

Do you need to get a part time job?

What will happen to your current health care coverage?

What happens to the 30 million uninsured who are the newly insured?

How will the system incorporate them and you or you an them?

What will you have to pay as an individual or an employer?

Will your employer opt out of your insurance plan and pay the penalty, leaving you high and dry?

Or, will you be uncovered and on your own?

Will you still be able to see your current primary care doctor?

Will your State cover your health care or did they do a twist like Michigan and Governor Snyder?

Or, will your primary care doctor still even be in business?

Are you confused yet?

Do you have more questions or comments?

Do you want answers?

So do 100,000,000 plus other people.

Answers: Stay tuned for answers from my experts ….as the beat goes on.

If you have any questions, email me. We'll do the best we can to get to the truth.

If you can't make the call, submit your questions in advance anyway. The call will be available for replay 24 hours only.

Invite your friends and family to join us.

Best of health and wealth,

Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD


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Name: Cynthia Shelby-Lane, M.D.
Dateline: ROYAL OAK, MI United States
Direct Phone: 800-584-4926
Main Phone: 800-584-4926
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