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The Keeper of the Keys Wins Indie Fest Award: Feature Documentary
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

"The Keeper of the Keys" wins INDIE FEST Award for Feature Documentary
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Producer Robin Jay is excited to announce that The Keeper of the Keys just won The Indie Fest award for feature documentary. "This is thrilling news," said Jay. "Everyone involved with this movie worked very hard to create an empowering documentary that would be unlike anything anyone had ever seen before. IĀ felt the time had come for a movie that would be fresh and entertaining in the field of personal development. I wanted to raise the bar and make personal transformation FUN and engaging."

"Self improvement can often be challenging or tedious. By making our movie funny and entertaining, we achieved the goal of our tag line: "Taking the 'Hell' out of Self-help!" Winning our first competition is a sign that the judges at The Indie Fest appreciated what we did. I want to thank everyone who contributed to this outstanding movie."

The Indie Fest recognizes film professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement and who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change. Entries are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film industry. In winning an Indie, TwoBirds, Inc. and Movies from the Heart join the ranks of other high-profile winners of this internationally respected award.

Thomas Baker, Ph.D., who chairs the Indie Fest, had this to say about the latest winners, "The Indie is not an easy award to win. Entries are received from around the world. The Indie helps set the standard for craft and creativity. The judges were pleased with the exceptionally high quality of entries. The goal of The Indie is to help winners achieve the recognition they deserve."

The Keeper of the Keys stars Jack Canfield, John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and a cast of outstanding experts from around the world. The story is a loose takeoff of A Christmas Carol, with Jack Canfield playing a sort of Jacob Marley character. The movie blends a fictional story with expert testimonials amidst special effects that have never been seen in a transformational film before.

Stephen Simon, co-founder of Spiritual Cinema Circle, Producer of Somewhere in Time and What Dreams May Come, and Producer/Director of Conversations with God and Indigo said, "The Keeper of The Keys is the most innovative and entertaining film of its kind ever made. Wildly original, howlingly funny, fast-paced, and utterly delightful in every way, the film is truly a gift to the world. True to its ad copy, the film 'takes the Hell out of self-help, and is the new gold standard in its genre. When you see this movie, you will learn, laugh, and clap your hands with joy!"

For more information or to schedule an interview, call Robin Jay at 702-460-1420 or email her at Robin@RobinJay.com.

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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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