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“The Keeper of the Keys” and the Cosmic Shift of 2012
Robin Jay --  Las Vegas Keynote Speaker Robin Jay -- Las Vegas Keynote Speaker
Las Vegas, NV
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

"The Keeper of the Keys" May Help People Prepare for the Cosmic Shift
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The Keeper of the Keys and 2012

The Keeper of the Keys may help people to align themselves with the coming changes as the world experiences a cosmic shift in 2012. The movie, a documentary/narrative hybrid, is the first funny, engaging, and content-rich personal development movie. Producer Robin Jay says, "This movie shows people how they can improve their lives by being more, including being better able to embrace the changes and transformations that are upon us now."

For the past few years, people around the world have focused on the end of the Mayan calendar, which appears to be December 21, 2012. Interpretations of this and what will mean to us are as varied as can be. Many people believe it will be a devastating end to the world as we know it, while others believe it will herald a new beginning – a shift in consciousness – including an end to war, corrupt politicians, illness, and everything evil. This cosmic shift, however, has the potential to become a time of incredible healing.

Many people in the know are looking forward to this time of rapid change. The information and suggestions that are shared by the experts in The Keeper of the Keys can help people to prepare for this exciting new era.

Physicists, like Michio Kaku, are predicting more of a chaotic disruption for 2012, rather than massive destruction. Kaku says physicists have been asking the government to reinforce our satellite communications, though their pleas have been to no avail. He explains that every 12 years, the sun has solar flare storms. These are nothing new; they occur every 12 years – and we're still here! But what makes things different this time is that we are so much more dependent on technology since the last shift. While these solar flare storms can affect our climate and the tides, which may cause a degree of disruption or disaster, they can seriously affect satellites, upon which we have never been more dependent than we are today.

2012 and Satellites

There are about 3,000 satellites orbiting the Earth every day, enabling people to talk on their cell phones, watch television, listen to the radio, and warn of military attacks and weather patterns. Satellites affect people's lives every day, particularly through global communications.

Jay says, "Imagine your life if suddenly there were no cell phones, cable TV, or weather forecasts. What would you do after work, assuming your job was somehow, miraculously, unaffected? You couldn't call your friends to find out where everyone is going later or call your spouse on your way home to see what's for dinner. You couldn't enjoy Monday Night Football without a satellite feed to your TV station or cable company. What would you do all evening?!"

She questions, "If there were suddenly no more functioning satellites, would you feel completely lost? Could you even have a conversation with someone if you couldn't stop to text every time they left the room? I think it would suddenly become very important for you to be mindful of what is really important in life. And you'd want to be able to make better, more intelligent choices."

Jay says, "That's where The Keeper of the Keys comes in. Whether you're listening to 'The Standards Guy' Derek Mills talk about turning his time at work and at home into QUALITY TIME, or to Kathleen Haden talk about dumping the old emotional baggage that weighs us down, you'll discover ways to BE MORE, rather than just HAVE MORE. Jack Canfield, John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and other outstanding experts offer memorable anecdotes to help people discover how they can make their lives better. And it's such an engaging film, most people who have seen it say they want to watch it again and again."

Jay cites one example of how the movie can motivate people to be more. "One of the experts in the movie, Judy Helm Wright, did a lot of work with patients at end-of-life. She helped them to record their thoughts for their family's generations to come. In The Keeper of the Keys, she shares how she discovered that nearly everyone had three main regrets. They wished they had CONTRIBUTED more - to their own lives, to their community ... basically wishing they had been a bigger part of their OWN lives. They wished they had REFLECTED more. Many people never take the time to think about their careers or where they are headed, and their own happiness. Lastly, they wished they had taken more RISKS. They regretted never having gone into business, opening a store or restaurant, moving to a new city, and so on. Judy's observations can inspire viewers to take action so that they, too, won't live lives filled with such regrets."

If 2012 becomes a time of having fewer material goods, but MORE quality time, The Keeper of the Keys can help viewers to develop those seven keys that will make a tremendous difference in their lives. Jay says, "Imagine becoming more enlightened and having a greater sense of what is really important! People could gain greater faith, feel more passion, show greater empathy and harmony in their relationships, be more courageous, and have more appreciation for all the blessings they DO have! Imagine vibrating at a 'higher frequency' – instead of just being a mere couch potato, watching the world go by on your TV set, failing to participate in your own life. Discovering the SEVEN KEYS that the experts talk about in The Keeper of the Keys will help people to elevate their lives to a higher level … no matter what happens. Once people discover the keys and how to use them, they will be able to look forward to 2013 with a positive attitude, and reconnect with what is really important in life."


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Name: Robin Jay
Title: President
Group: Las Vegas Convention Speakers Bureau
Dateline: Las Vegas, NV United States
Direct Phone: 702-460-1420
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