Home > NewsRelease > The Key Benefits And Critical Limitations Of AI In B2B Sales Negotiations
The Key Benefits And Critical Limitations Of AI In B2B Sales Negotiations
Andreas Buergi, PhD Andreas Buergi, PhD
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Nuolen,
Tuesday, August 15, 2023



Somewhat reluctantly I mustadmit that AI is becoming increasingly important in the process ofstrategy-development and scenario-planning for B2B sales negotiations.

During our corporatenegotiation coaching engagements we have observed the following positivebenefits and critical limitations of the use of AI. On the positive side:



AI can analyze vast amounts ofdata to provide valuable insights into customer behaviors, preferences andmarket trends, enabling more informed negotiation strategies.


AI can help tailor negotiationapproaches to fit individual customer profiles, their needs, motives,priorities and historical interactions, enhancing the customer experience andincreasing the chances of successful negotiation results.

Efficiency& Speed:

AI-powered tools can automateroutine tasks, such as gathering information, drafting proposals, andscheduling meetings, allowing sales teams to focus on higher-value aspects ofnegotiation planning.


AI algorithms combined withgame theory can help to better predict potential outcomes and to developoptimal negotiation strategies.


However, we have also observedsome critical limitations and shortfalls of AI in sales and business negotiations,including:

TheLack Of Emotional Intelligence:

AI often seems to lack theability to perceive and respond to emotional cues, which are crucial in salesnegotiations that involve building long-term relationships and trust.

DealingWith Complex, Unpredictable Situations:

AI algorithms may struggle tonavigate highly dynamic, unpredictable negotiation scenarios that requirequick, creative, transformational problem-solving and unprecedented solutionse.g. transcending win-win).


AI-based strategies may notalways align with human values and ethical standards, potentially leading tounintended, detrimental consequences in negotiations.

AI-DependencyMay Lead To Serious Skill- Erosion:

Over-reliance on AI tools maylead to a decline in negotiation skills among sales professionals, diminishingtheir ability to plan, prepare, strategize, rehearse and negotiate effectivelywithout automation.

Furthermore, AI may actuallydecrease the ability of the negotiators to deal with cognitive tension,conflict, crisis situations and unexpected curve-balls effectively, reducingtheir creative solution development capacities.

Giving priority to historical,data-driven AI-generated analysis may cement the default thought patterns,beliefs and subconscious paradigms, as well as the resulting blind spot of thestakeholders involved in such negotiations. 


In conclusion, we have foundthat AI can add real value in B2B sales negotiations.

And yet it is just a tool.

It is up to us to make surethat we use it wisely and to the best effect.


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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Andreas Buergi, PhD
Group: Living Water Institute Ltd.
Dateline: Nuolen, Switzerland
Direct Phone: +41 55 440 85 58
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