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The Necessity of Action
Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness Anthony Signorelli -- Consultant in Sales Force Effectiveness
Sitllwater, MN
Friday, February 18, 2011

Shakespeare said that "all the world's a stage;" I say that all the world is a laboratory in the great experiment of life.

New Rules of Personal Productivity expert Tony Signorelli, of www.newrulesofselfemployment.com, published a post on The Necessity of Action. "As entrepreneurs, we must act in order to test our ideas," Signorelli said. "We are experimentalists—trying new things, testing, looking for feedback, and then responding again."

"Experimentation is one of the great disciplines of creative entrepreneurship. It is experimentation with our own lives, where the consequences are real and immediate. The only way you get the data is to conduct the experiment. That's why we have to act; that's why we must always keep moving."

Signorelli is a consultant in sales force effectiveness, and leader of the New Rules of Self Employment. Information on the new rules is available at his website: www.newrulesofselfemployment.com.

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Name: Anthony Signorelli
Title: Principal Consultant
Dateline: Sitllwater, MN United States
Direct Phone: 651-340-2196
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