Home > NewsRelease > The Power of Holding On – How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up
The Power of Holding On – How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up
Gayle Lantz - Leadership Expert Gayle Lantz - Leadership Expert
For Immediate Release:
Dateline: Birmingham, AL
Thursday, August 29, 2024


In the journey of leadership and life, there are moments when quitting feels like the only option. But what if these challenging times are actually shaping you into a stronger, more resilient leader?

In this episode, Gayle Lantz explores the transformative power of perseverance and offers encouragement for those navigating difficult times. She shares:

  • Why the moments that feel like they’re breaking you might be the ones making you
  • Practical thoughts and beliefs to practice when you’re in a dark place
  • Key questions to ask yourself to gain perspective and find your way forward
  • Simple actions you can take to shift your mindset and regain your footing

Gayle introduces the concept of the “thread of life” – a powerful metaphor for the inner strength that guides us through uncertainty and change. She explains how this thread can be strengthened and why holding onto it is crucial for personal and professional growth.

Whether you’re facing overwhelming challenges or supporting someone who is, this episode provides valuable insights on how to hold on, even when letting go seems easier. 

Discover how to transform your toughest moments into catalysts for growth and resilience.

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News Media Interview Contact
Name: Gayle Lantz
Group: WorkMatters, Inc.
Dateline: Birmingham, AL United States
Direct Phone: 205 879-8494
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