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The Risks Of Mother Nature
Rose Lee Archer  M.S. Rose Lee Archer M.S.
Palm Beach County, FL
Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Did you know, 80% of Americans will seek expert help for back pain at some point of their lives?  Lifestyle is the main factor contributing to Americans' back pain & it's an epidemic. 

According to the American Physical Therapy Association (2012) -54% of Americans that experience back pain spend their day sitting.  Spine pain is the third most costly health condition trailing diabetes & heart disease.   Last year back and neck pain cost Americans over 87 billion dollars.  
Dr Jeremy James, DC, CSCS, the Director of the Aspen Club Back Institute and the Co-Author of "The Younger Next Year Back Book."  Dr. James offers a Whole Body Plan for Conquering Back Pain Forever--  to teach patients how to use his simple adjustments that can be made to relieve back and neck pain. Illustrations of various exercises help target a patients area of pain and Dr. James tells our audience that "we all do dumb stuff that we know will trigger back pain, stop doing the dumb stuff."

Oh the amazing World of Sharks…Florida Fish & Wildlife list  Blacktip Shark, Bonnethead Shark, Bull Shark, Great Hammerhead Shark, Lemon SharkNurse Shark and Tiger Shark  as common species of sharks found in Florida waters.  George Burgess is the director of the University of Florida Program for Shark Research and one of the top shark attack experts in the world.  George offered our viewers insight into the world of sharks and factual shark stories combined with innovative research findings to better understand the most unique shark species in the world.  George is a passionate shark expert who documents every shark attack in his shark attack file. He reminds us about his  ratio that is surprising about shark attacks; more sharks die after attacks then the humans they attack.  Another interesting fact is we are seeing more shark attacks in the U.S. than ever due to technology like smart phones users who photograph shark attacks. George suggests, if your being attacked try to probe the inside of a sharks eyes a very sensitive area for sharks and they can react by opening their mouth and freeing the victim from the attack.  Summers are filled with memories of families & friends enjoying fun in the sun activities.  No matter if your kids are off to camp or daycare, one thing is for sure- kids will bring germs & illnesses shared with their  playmates home to your household.  Did you ever think of the germs you are in contact enjoying a day at the beach as you snack between dips in the water? Or have you considered how many parasites and germs live in beach sand? Even when your kids stay home enjoying a play date at an  amusement park or a visit to a majestic state park –or if you choose a staycation & play in your backyard with friends & pets you will be bringing germs into your household.  

The Center for Disease Control, (CDC) recommends if you're committed to stay active & on the go with your family you need to be aware of how to avoid spreading disease.

Michele Hlavasa is an epidemiologist at the CDC shared a healthy reminder  to help stop spreading disease. Most people are not aware of the thorough process of riding germs through hand washing.  The steps begin with wetting hands, creating a lather, scrubbing hands by rubbing them together  with soap getting in between fingers and under your nails for at least 20 seconds. If you don't have a clock nearby scrub along to the Happy Birthday son and sing the song twice and while singing rinse with clean running water to finish off.  Don't forget to dry hands using clean towel or an electric hand dryer.  Michele say's it's very important to wash your hands using these steps to get hands completely clean.  This process will rid of all germs and chemicals so that you don't pass them on to your foods and drinks when preparing meals as well as eating or drinking them, which can make us sick. Also, germs and chemicals from unwashed hands can be transferred to other objects, like cellphones, table tops, or toys, and then transferred to other people's hands.   For more information visit cdc.gov/handwashing.

The 2018 Atlantic hurricane season is an ongoing event each season that officially begins on June 1, 2018, and will end on November 30, 2018.  I'm a seasoned Floridian who is not new to tropical storms or hurricanes.  In fact my biggest lesson in life was the impact from Hurricane Andrew, which made landfall 26 years ago as the Category 5 Hurricane that laid to waste many suburb areas of Miami.  According to the National Hurricane Center the 10 most hurricane prone states - #1 Florida, #2 Texas, followed by Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, New York & Virginia.  Since 1851, 40 % of U.S. hurricanes hit  Florida.

Having a Plan is essential to survive a hurricane no matter what part of the U.S. coastline a storm hits  Having a Communication plan is of most importance because cell towers go down and electricity takes down the power of land lines and you must be able to communicate with loved ones.  The fact is you must take seriously the message from Secretary Kirstjen M. Nielsen from The Department of Homeland Security; Kirsten urges our nations residents to "Have a Communication Plan to implement at the beginning of the storm to let a family member or friend know where you are and how to contact you after the storm passes." 

earn more at https://www.ready.gov/hurricane



News Media Interview Contact
Name: Rose Lee Archer
Title: TV Producer & Host
Group: Rose Lee Productions
Direct Phone: 561-241-7987
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